Hand crafts. How to make a butterfly?
Hand crafts. How to make a butterfly?

Before celebrations, whether it's a wedding party, a child's birthday, or another significant event, people start thinking about decorating their home. Of course, you can always hire special agents who will do everything in the best possible way, but this is an additional waste of money. Why not use your own skills and imagination? It will turn out no worse, you will have to make some efforts, but the result will exceed all expectations. So, the article will talk about how to make a paper butterfly.

What are the options

The easiest way to make the perfect detail for interior decoration is with a template. Here you need colored cardboard and scissors to cut out the shape. To attach the resulting beauties, you will need pins or double-sided tape. But with a place for butterflies you have to decide on your own. These can be curtains, tablecloths or vases.

paper butterfly
paper butterfly

What else is there a way to make a butterfly with your own hands? When using paints for drawingcontours are created, then the figure is painted over and cut out. Another option is pasting cardboard with any fabric you like. Some crafters go further and use a plotter to cut out butterflies with patterned wings. At the end of the work, you can apply varnish to cover, to get an unforgettable decoration.

What you need to make crafts

As mentioned above, there are various techniques to make butterflies. Depending on the chosen method, you will need to acquire the necessary tools and materials.

Now we will talk about how to make an origami butterfly. Here you need colored or white paper, and for everything else you have your own hands. Before starting work, you need to check if the following materials are available in the house:

  • different types of paper;
  • transparent glue;
  • scissors;
  • elements for decoration, you can use beads or sequins;
  • colored pencils, markers, paints;
  • wire;
  • threads.

After making sure you have all of the above, you can start creating real masterpieces.

how to make a paper butterfly with your own hands
how to make a paper butterfly with your own hands

Step by step instructions

To understand how to make an origami butterfly, it is recommended to read the following points:

  1. A square sheet of paper is folded twice diagonally, then unfolded. All fold lines must be ironed so that they are clearly visible.
  2. Then the paper is folded in half vertically and horizontallyplanes, then to give the craft a triangular shape.
  3. This figure will be obtained by folding opposite sides of the sheet.
  4. The next step is to fold the corners to the top of the triangle.
  5. The side next to the folded corners is arched, and the wings of the craft are straightened.

How to make a butterfly? This issue has been discussed above.

how to make paper butterfly
how to make paper butterfly

Another option for making crafts

It should be noted right away that the technique, which will be described below, is more time-consuming, but gives more opportunities for realizing one's artistic abilities. The most difficult thing is to decide on the desired image, which will be printed to make a layout. Eyes always run up from the number of proposed options, and most importantly, they are all very beautiful.

The next step is to print the selected picture on any printer. The future layout is almost ready. The image is applied to the cardboard, then the contours are outlined with a pencil. All that remains is to cut the blank. If necessary, you can create several templates that will have different shapes and sizes from each other.

Note to needlewomen! To create a composition that will surprise all guests with its beauty and reality, it is recommended to make butterflies of different sizes.

It remains to do the decoration of the resulting models. Compared to the technology already described (how to make a paper butterfly with your own hands), there are much more opportunities to createunique and graceful figurine.

For coloring, markers, pencils, felt-tip pens or paints are used. With a little artistic gift, you can give paper butterflies the color that nature has awarded them. To make the model even more realistic is quite simple by using beads or dark-colored beads, which will act as a peephole.

paper butterflies
paper butterflies

How to make a butterfly using the vytynanka technique

Don't be afraid of an unfamiliar, unusual word. It only means cutting out all kinds of figures from thick paper. This technology can even be attributed to folk art.

If we talk about the stages of work, they look like this:

  1. An image of a butterfly is applied to thick paper. You can draw it yourself or use any suitable drawing.
  2. Cutting is done either with special tools or well-sharpened scissors.

As it turns out, making butterflies is quite easy and simple, you just need to choose the right option, stock up on some patience and get to work.
