Penguin made of cones. Step-by-step instruction. Manufacturing options
Penguin made of cones. Step-by-step instruction. Manufacturing options

Pine and spruce cones have long been a favorite material for crafts with children. Basically, large parts of the hero are made from them, for example, the torso. The remaining additional elements can be either from other natural material - chestnuts, nuts, leaves, or from waste material.

In the article we will consider options for making a penguin from cones. Let's show what auxiliary elements are useful for such crafts, the better to fasten the parts.

Christmas toys

Such funny penguins, as in the photo, can be made from fir cones to further decorate the Christmas tree. To create such a craft, you will need, in addition to a cone, to also have pine scales for paws, mussel shells for hands, foam balls for making a bird's head. A thin wire for a loop is also useful, for which you will subsequently need to hang a penguin from cones on a branch. The nose can be made from any stick, it will only be enough to press it firmly into the foam.

cone penguin
cone penguin

Start with the preparation of the bumps. It is washed well and brushed between the scales. It must be clean and free of dirt. After the final drying of the bodycovered with white gouache with a brush, carefully smearing each scale. Next, you need to use a bonding agent: glue or plasticine. For paws, you can also use pieces of bark or just plasticine. A wire is tied around the top of the cone, carefully twisting it around the core. The sharp edge is cut off to form a flat surface for the head. The foam ball sticks perfectly, but before starting this process it needs to be painted with gouache. The white muzzle of the bird has a black sharp forelock. With a cotton swab put dots-eyes. That's it, the cone penguin is ready! After the paint has dried, you can hang it on the Christmas tree.

Pinecone bird

Let's present to your attention another version of the Christmas decoration. The hero of the craft is the same, only now a penguin is made from pine cones. Instead of hands, you can also use shells, any oblong shape will do. You can also attach parts to Moment glue or plasticine.

crafts from cones penguins
crafts from cones penguins

Paws are easiest to make from black plasticine. But the head will have to work hard. It is made of black and white threads in the form of a pom-pom. You can make it much easier, only from white yarn, and make the necessary black contours with gouache paint.

Let's remind you how to make a pom-pom from threads for crafts from "Penguins" cones. Such a small ball of yarn is best done on a fork. The figure eight is wound around the sharp ends, forming a cross in the middle. Then a simple strong thread is taken separately, and a strong knot is tied in the center. Loops on eachside of the fork are cut and distributed in a circle. Protruding ends are trimmed with scissors.

Next, we start assembling all the parts together. Step-by-step instructions for a penguin made of cones are described below:

1. Wash, clean and paint the bump with white gouache paint.

2. Glue hand-shells onto plasticine.

3. They attach paws with membranes made with a thin stick from below.

4. Glue the head, previously painted. Instead of a nose, you can attach a knot of thick black threads to the pompom.

5. On the back of the cones, a loop rope is tied so that it is convenient to hang the toy on the Christmas tree.

All done!

Frozen Penguin

All children know that penguins are inhabitants of the South Pole. It is very cold there, and penguins often freeze under icy gusts of wind. You can invite the child to warm the made penguins (crafts from cones) with a scarf. Such work will look cute and homely. We make the bird by the already known method, and for the scarf you will need to buy a sheet of felt. In sewing supplies or needlework stores, you can find goods in any color.

penguins from cones master class
penguins from cones master class

Cut out a rectangular strip of felt, in this case, red. The edges on one side and the other are cut with scissors, by about 0.5 cm. It turns out a fringe, like on a real knitted counterpart. Then the back of the felt is smeared with PVA glue and tightly attached to the "body" of the penguin. You can sew on a button at the place of crossing the edges of the scarf or just grabthreads, after completing a couple of stitches from the back side.

Penguin Family

Such a cheerful family is made from spruce cones of different sizes. For dad, of course, we will take the longest one, for mom - the middle one, and for the baby we will have to try to find such a small spruce cone. The rest of the details are made of foam rubber, painted with gouache in black.

penguin from cones step by step instructions
penguin from cones step by step instructions

Let's consider a detailed master class. It's easy to make penguins from cones. In this manufacturing option, both white and black gouache are taken for coloring. Each scale is drawn completely and carefully. These thin, round-shaped strips of foam rubber can be purchased at a hardware store in the window insulation section. They are first painted with black gouache, and then perfectly glued to PVA. For the head, you will have to try by cutting it out of a whole piece. You can attach purchased eyes, as in the photo, or you can glue paper ones, making both the eyes and the beak an appliqué.

In closing

As you can see, making penguins from cones is quite easy, and no special materials are required. So - to the point! Good luck!
