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Funny costume for April 1st. Funny clothes for April 1
Funny costume for April 1st. Funny clothes for April 1

Human life has always been full of stress, so people invented holidays for themselves to fool around and have fun, and thus relieve nervous tension and avoid depression. First of all, they include April Fool's Day or, as it is commonly called in our country, April 1. This holiday is accompanied by drawings and parties. To make it a success, you will need a DIY costume for April 1st.

A little about the history of the holiday

How and where April Fool's Day appeared is not known for certain. According to the most common version, it originated in ancient Rome, where it was called the feast of fools. In Russia, April Fool's Day became known under Peter the Great through foreign ambassadors who played pranks on each other and courtiers. As you know, the Russian tsar-reformer was very fond of jokes, so every year he himself came up with something unusual, which surprised his entourage andforeigners.

Before the advent of the printed press, pranks were not widespread. Everything changed when journalists began to deliberately release April Fools' newspaper ducks, which caused a real stir. Later, television joined the pranks. For example, in 1957, the British were told about an unprecedented pasta harvest in Switzerland, and even showed a video report from the fields where the pasta was tied into sheaves. Oddly enough, there were many who believed this information and even ran to the shops to look for seedlings of this “plant”. Another famous April Fool's joke was born in Paris, when, in the late 1980s, one of the French publications published an article about a plan to dismantle the Eiffel Tower and move it to Disneyland. This information caused a protest among the inhabitants of the French capital, who did not even suspect that they were being played.

costumes for April 1 carnival costumes
costumes for April 1 carnival costumes

Costumes for April 1st

Carnival costumes for April Fool's Day should be original or, as they say today, cool. It is not necessary that they be too complex, since when creating them, the main thing is an interesting idea, and the methods of its implementation are much less important. Everything can be used - from balloons to old CDs and candy wrappers. For example, an original alien costume can be made using a regular green swimmer's cap, sunglasses and rubber tubes, which should be cut into thin strips and secured with tape at the ears so that they hang down to the waist.

The usualfoil. Together with CDs, it will help you create a robot suit out of a cardboard box.

“Soap and washcloth”

If you are going to a party with your boyfriend or girlfriend, it is best to make a couples costume for April 1st. For example, it could be the “Soap and washcloth” option. For manufacturing, you need to glue a box of white cardboard with a hole for the hands and head. It will become the basis for a suit designed for a guy. To make it more convincing, you need to decorate it by writing “soap” in large letters on the chest and back and sticking pieces of bubble wrapping material in the corners to imitate foam. When the young man is properly equipped, you can proceed to the manufacture of a women's costume. This will require organza, which must be draped into small folds to make a dress that resembles a washcloth. On the side, you need to sew a thread of plastic round beads to it, which will depict a braid for hanging.


Another couples costume for April 1 will turn out if you take two identical black T-shirts and, laying them side by side, apply the image of the solved crossword puzzle on the chest with white paint. Each time you stand next to each other, the picture will add up and you will be able to read the words written horizontally.

what costume can you come up with on April 1
what costume can you come up with on April 1


If you have very little time to prepare for the holiday party, then you can offer a costume for April 1 in the form of a scarecrow. You will need a flannel plaid shirt and a fair amount ofa rumpled hat that will help create the image of a defender of fields and gardens. On this costume, if you can call it that, can be considered complete. It remains only to do the appropriate makeup. To do this, you need to brightly make up the lips, draw a clown blush on the cheeks and depict the seams and patches on the nose and around the mouth with a black pencil.


A simple and funny April 1 costume will turn out if you wrap yourself in bandages so as to become like a mummy. For greater naturalness, you can not wrap your chin and draw teeth on it with a black pencil. Since you're going to April Fool's Day, your "underworld dweller" can be anyone. For example, a mummy football player or a policeman would look funny.

April 1 costume
April 1 costume

“Toilet Paper”

Do you need fun clothes for April 1st? Then make yourself a costume in the form of toilet paper. It is quite easy to make, and the effect will be simply incredible. At the very least, you will definitely find yourself in the center of everyone's attention. To create such a costume, you need to glue a pipe with a diameter of 30 cm from thick cardboard, in which one large hole should be made for the body and one more for the head. Moreover, they should be done with such an offset from the center that the left end of the cylinder is on the shoulder, and the right end ends 2-3 cm short of the elbow. Then two disks should be cut out of cardboard with a hole in the center, into which the hand can freely pass, and close them, like covers, the ends of the pipe. Finally, you need to take a piece of white fabric, preferably flannel, wide,equal to the width of the “roll”, and a length that will correspond to twice the length of any of your T-shirts plus 15-20 cm. You need to fold it in half and cut a hole for the neck, stepping back from the left edge to the width of your shoulder. Then you should sew the suit on the sides so that from the top fold to the beginning of the seam there is 50 cm.

funny clothes for April 1st
funny clothes for April 1st


If you are going to April Fool's Day with children, then the costumes for April 1 can be very different. For example, make a funny pasta outfit for your little one. This will require a large coil of white or beige rope, which must be cut into segments of equal length. Then you should take some old jumpsuit, preferably a bright color, and sew “macaroni” on it, folding them in half. Next, you'll need a baseball cap and a colander. The ropes should be sewn to the cap so as to hide its visor and get the effect of hanging pasta. Finally, attach a colander to your baseball cap.

funny costume April 1st
funny costume April 1st

“Colored beans”

A funny food-themed costume is made by using a large plastic bag and a lot of small colorful balloons. In the bag, cut off the bottom corners so that you get holes for the legs. Then cut out circles for the arms, leaving 50 cm from the top of the bag, which must be at least 140 cm long if the suit is intended fora man of average height. The “package” is labeled with the name of the product, for example “Colored beans”, and information about its weight, calorie content, protein, fat, carbohydrate content, etc. Then 30-40 balloons of different colors with a diameter of 15-20 cm are inflated. into the holes of the arms and legs, put balls into this “package” and fix the bag at the neck with tape and tape.

costumes for April 1
costumes for April 1

Now you know what kind of costume you can come up with on April 1st to surprise the other April Fools' Day party participants.
