How to make DIY doll shoes
How to make DIY doll shoes

Commercially available doll shoes are either made of bright plastic and are not particularly original, or are quite expensive. If you are wondering how to make DIY doll shoes, this article is for you! In it, we will share several completely simple and at the same time interesting workshops on making ballet flats, shoes and sandals from improvised materials: fabric, beads and knitting threads.

how to make doll shoes
how to make doll shoes

We invite you to make unique and very beautiful shoes that perfectly complement the outfits of your child's toys. Choose the method that suits you best and get started.

How to make shoes for a doll: crochet shoes

We bring to your attention a simple master class on creating charming shoes from knitting threads. It is perfect for small legs of textile dolls: tildes and rags. If you have at least a little skillcrochet, take advantage of this technology to create charming ballet shoes. To work, you will need thin yarn, a hook of a suitable size and two small beads for decorating crafts. Let's start making shoes for dolls with our own hands by creating a "magic" ring and making 8 single crochets. Next, tighten the ring and continue circular knitting. We knit several rows with single crochets, forming the toe of the shoe. If necessary, we make increments and do not forget to try on the shoe on the doll's leg.

do-it-yourself doll shoes
do-it-yourself doll shoes

We knit the sidewalls and the sole of the product

Having completed the toe of the shoe, we proceed to the knitting of the sole and side parts - a straight panel. To do this, we stop working in a spiral and knit the required number of rows with single crochets, regularly turning the knitting over. When the sole reaches the required length, proceed to the formation of the heel of the shoe. We perform half of the row, and then bend the canvas in half, face inward. We connect the edges, making a heel seam from the inside. Now carefully turn the shoe inside out. We complete the work by tying the product with columns without a crochet in a circle. By analogy, we perform the second shoe. Now we just have to complete the strap and decorate the product with beads that will play the role of a fastener. That's all, charming shoes for a tilde doll are ready! You see, you can knit such beauty quickly enough, spending a minimum of consumables.

Original sandals for Barbie. How to make beaded shoes for dolls

If you are at least a little familiar with the peculiarities of beading, take this master class into service, in which we will present the technology of creating doll shoes from beads and glass beads. To make sandals, you will need the following supplies and tools:

  • cardboard;
  • gold color beads;
  • two large round white beads;
  • two golden round beads;
  • four openwork cups for beads;
  • two decorative beads in the shape of butterflies;
  • two nails;
  • line;
  • glue stick;
  • neoprene adhesive;
  • glue "Super Moment";
  • wire;
  • a small piece of leather or leatherette;
  • white fabric.

Let's start with making the sole. On cardboard, sketch and cut out two insoles.

do-it-yourself doll shoes
do-it-yourself doll shoes

Attach blanks to a piece of leather, circle them. Cut out two more blanks. In leather insoles (they will become the outer part of the sole), where the heel of the shoe will be, make one hole with a nail. Insert a nail into them. Take prepared beads and cups. Do the heels like this: for each carnation, first string two cups, then two white large beads, then cups again and lastly two golden beads. Do not forget that the entire structure must be well fixed with Super Moment glue.

Continue creating beautiful sandals for Barbie

how to make shoes for dolls
how to make shoes for dolls

Let's leave the heels for a whiletime at rest and proceed to the design of the sock. To get started, take your fabric and cut out two more insoles, leaving a small amount of fabric around the entire perimeter for the hem. Decorate the cardboard insoles with a cloth using a glue stick. Attach the soles to the legs of the Barbie and slightly bend them so that the shoes have a lift. Now take a piece of fishing line, string the required amount of beads on it and wrap the doll's leg twice. At the same time, make sure that the beads are not under the sole, if necessary, move them. As a result, you should get a beautiful double strap. Tie a knot under the sole. Make exactly the same strap for the second shoe. Then apply neoprene adhesive under the cardboard insoles. Cut 2 pieces of wire a little less than the length of the sole. Put them on the insoles and glue two leather soles with beaded heels on top.

Final manufacturing stage

Take a small piece of fishing line. Attach it to the strap of two rows of beads in the center of the sock as shown in the picture. Tie a knot. Now pass both ends of the working line through a decorative butterfly bead. And then string the required number of beads on each end, forming a second strap around the ankle. Tie the ends of the string. By analogy, design the second shoe. If the heel does not hold upright, glue the top of the white bead to the sole with Super Moment glue. That's all, exquisite DIY doll shoes!

doll shoes
doll shoes

We hope you enjoyed our tutorial! Now you know howmake shoes for the doll from beads, beads and cardboard. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this. Go for it!

Stylish leopard heels. Master class №3

How to make textile doll shoes? Simple enough. To do this, you will need to purchase the necessary tools and supplies, as well as devote some of your free time to creative work. What do you need to make shoes for dolls with your own hands? First, you will need a piece of leopard print fabric and scissors. Secondly, you will need cardboard and two wooden blocks for making heels. Thirdly, two beads, a thin elastic band, glue and fabric sealant will be needed. After the preparatory work, you can start making shoes.

doll shoes
doll shoes

First, seal the fabric so that it does not crumble and becomes more dense. How to make shoes for dolls? Read on! Decorate the prepared wooden blocks with a cloth, leaving an allowance on top. You will need it to glue the heel to the sole. Then we cut out details from the fabric: insoles, socks and backs. We cut out two more insoles from cardboard, they will be needed to form the sole. Glue fabric insoles onto cardboard blanks. We attach them to the legs of the doll and give them the necessary shape. Then glue the backs, socks and heels.

do-it-yourself doll shoes
do-it-yourself doll shoes

Carefully cut off the excess fabric. In order to make a clasp, we carefully sew an elastic band at the end of the strap, forming a loop out of it, and on the othersides attach a bead. By analogy, we make out the second shoe. That's all, DIY leopard shoes for dolls are made! We hope our article was useful to you. Good luck!
