Simple knitted booties
Simple knitted booties

Booties can be knitted and crochet. In the first case, the product turns out to be more tender, soft, in the second case it keeps its shape well. Knitted booties may have a more complex knitting technique compared to crochet ones. But there are simple schemes for beginner craftswomen. The main thing is to purchase a special yarn for children that does not cause allergies, no lumps, soft, and choose the right pattern.

How to knit booties with knitting needles: a pattern for beginner knitters

For work, take half-woolen threads, a hook for tying a product, beads for decoration, 2 three-millimeter knitting needles. Dial forty loops, taking into account the hem and knit according to the pattern:

  1. Knit all stitches.
  2. Slip hem (K), yarn over (N), knit 18 (L), N, 2L, N, then 18L, N and K.
  3. All stitches are knit.
  4. K, 1L, N, 18L, N, 4L, N, 18L, N, 1L, K.
  5. Knit all stitches in stockinette stitch.
  6. K, 2L, N, 18L, N, 6L, N, 18L, N, 2L, K.
  7. Face loops.
  8. K, 3L, N, 18L, N, 8L, N, 18L, N, 3L, K.
  9. Frontsmooth surface.

This pattern forms the sole of the bootie, so it should be solid and “smooth” without voluminous lush patterns such as “bumps”. Then the main rapport is knitted, which sets the tone for the entire product. In this case, festive booties for newborns are obtained. You can knit any ornament, the main thing is to take into account the size of the foot.

knitted booties
knitted booties

Main figure eight pattern:

  1. Knit all stitches purl.
  2. Alternate knit with double crochet.
  3. Wrong side.
  4. Knit all the loops as follows: slip the first one onto the right needle, knit 2 knit ones and pull them through the removed one (it will be convenient to do this operation with a crochet).
  5. Repeat rows one through four.

Shaping the top of the booties

Having connected two eights (if you look at the ornament, there should be 4 rings or 2 eights vertically), count 10 loops in the middle and knit only them for 12 rows. At the same time, at the end of each row, make a decrease. It is due to the contractions of the loops that the top of the product is formed, the toe and the hole for the foot stand out (one-piece booties knitted with knitting needles are obtained).

Next, knitting takes place on all loops in garter stitch (alternating front and back rows). Close all loops after 2 rows and sew booties. Next, crochet them:

  1. Three lifting air loops with one air loop, alternate double crochet and air (it turns out a fence of squares).
  2. Knit in “waves” in each “square”: connectingcolumn, 5 columns with a crochet, connecting column.
  3. knitting booties for newborns
    knitting booties for newborns

Then a string of air loops is knitted, pulled through the holes and a bow is tied. The last step in the middle on the "waves" is a bead sewn on. Regardless of the gender of the child, the decoration of booties can be left unchanged, just vary the colors of the threads. Just a couple of hours - and beautiful booties are ready!

What kind of knitted booties are there?

Conventionally, the "shoes" of newborns can be divided into winter, summer and comic. In the winter version, shoes are closed from thick threads. These include: boots, mini-boots, in the form of socks, slippers, footprints. In the summer version, booties are knitted from fine yarn with open toes and heels, sides, in the form of sandals, sandals, slippers, shoes, models with ties, straps. Joking products include shoes made in the form of animals, cartoon characters, vegetables, fruits.

how to knit booties with knitting needles
how to knit booties with knitting needles

Sometimes mothers overdo it with the decoration of booties, and the children become uncomfortable in them. For example, many summer models are decorated with embroidery, ribbons, the seams are on the wrong side of knitted sandals, which rub the skin of babies. Also, many mothers sew on various decorations using monofilament, which feels like fishing line and makes the product rough.

In any case, knitted booties can be made unusual and elegant by playing with the colors of threads and patterns. Let your baby's shoes be comfortable and beauty-safe.
