Plastic carabiners - handy accessories for backpacks and bags
Plastic carabiners - handy accessories for backpacks and bags

Modern fashion is multifaceted and changeable. A diverse combination of clothing and accessories allows you to always stay in trend. Any change in the usual image can affect the overall image. Even the simple plastic carabiner that appeared on the bag plays a role in this.

The creation of new models is preceded by painstaking work on the selection of materials and accessories. It is almost impossible to make a comfortable, functional, beautiful product without them.

Plastic carabiners
Plastic carabiners

Sewing plastic fittings

Retail chains offer a wide range of high-quality sewing plastic accessories from responsible manufacturers. Such products are financially available and in demand. They buy it for reputable sewing enterprises, for private workshops and individual tailoring.

The variety of models presented, the variety of colors make this process truly creative. Some need clips, buttons, visors, fasteners. Others - semirings with triangles. Still others are interested in belt loops, clamps and limit switches. But buckles with frames, handles and fastexes will be needed by thosewho works on backpacks and bags. An important attribute of such products is a plastic carabiner.

Carabiner - loop
Carabiner - loop

Sewing accessories, well chosen by the designer, are functional, intricate, giving the product a special style.

Plastic carabiners: scope

The plastic carabiner has received special attention, it connects two loops with a "quick lock". Things are fastened to each other. So you can:

  • attach the belt (strap) to the bag, briefcase, backpack, cover, case;
  • fix the leash on the dog's collar, on the cat's harness;
  • connect badge with cord, key with keychain;
  • attach additional items to the outside of the backpack;
  • fasten the flaps and compartments of the bag;
  • fix decor items in the interior.

A simple plastic mechanism is used for sewing youth and ladies' bags, stylish clothes, backpacks. Used in the production of sports equipment, overalls. They are also needed for sewing repairs.

A swivel carabiner is required for the leash
A swivel carabiner is required for the leash

Plastic carabiner: design features

The classic movement design is simple. There are two parts: a hinge and a latch. It is easy to manage such know-how, it is latched with one hand.

The correct size of the device assumes that the internal size of the lug of the carabiner matches the width of the sling, belt, frame or tape.

To fasten a briefcase or backpack to the body, fastening the inner segments of the bag, a carabiner clasp is used. plastic mechanismrectangular shape, fastex, is brought into position by snapping two parts.


Advantages and disadvantages of plastic carabiners

The main advantages of plastic carabiners:

  • lightweight, durable and strong;
  • small dimensions;
  • simplicity and reliability of fixation, accessible even to a child;
  • comfort in use: a plastic carabiner will not make it heavier, will not ring when moving, but it will add comfort to the process of using a backpack or bag, add style and originality;
  • low cost;
  • resistance to chemical and mechanical stress;
  • retains original color;
  • does not affect the properties and color of the fabric.
Simple design: hinge and latch
Simple design: hinge and latch

There is only one drawback - plastic carabiners for backpacks and bags have low tensile strength. They cannot be seriously overloaded and used in the manufacture of sports climbing equipment. The exception is fittings made of high-strength polyamide.

Polyamide fittings

Duraflex products, high quality, light, wear resistant, Resistant to fracture loads, temperature extremes, ultraviolet, severe frost, s alt water.

Polyamide grade 6, 6 is very durable. The material consists of two components:

  • Acetal is a tough, tear-resistant material. Resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations. Disadvantage - due to rigidity, it does not withstand impact well.
  • Nylon- Differs in lightness, great resistance to impact, but only at normal temperatures. 30% stronger than acetal. But it has the property of water absorption, which increases the fragility of the material at low temperatures.
  • Carabiner plastic Duraflex
    Carabiner plastic Duraflex

The advantages and disadvantages of acetal and nylon mutually overlap. The material is durable, reliable and at the same time light. Duraflex is more than just a bag hook. Plastic, high quality, durable, it has proved itself confidently in extreme conditions and is used by tourists with pleasure.

Choosing a carbine

The main thing to pay attention to when choosing a carabiner is the weight, size and features of the future luggage. Carabiners differ in many ways:

  1. By size: big and small. The size is determined by the length of the carabiner and the diameter of the lug.
  2. Shape: round (especially handy), oval, conical, triangular.
  3. By material: metal and plastic.
  4. According to the method of fixation: snap-on classic and twist.
  5. According to the shape of the connecting ring of the carabiner: in the form of an ellipse, a triangle, in the form of a coat hanger, with a straight base.
  6. According to the method of connection with the base: loop, swivel (rotates freely during rotation without tangling the fasteners), clasp (fastex).
  7. By color: white, black, beige, color. Plastic is matched to the product.
  8. By purpose: for a women's bag, a men's bag, for a school bag, for various backpacks, for a clutchor purse.

When choosing plastic accessories for bags and backpacks, attention is paid to quality and technical characteristics. Color and shape in this situation is not a priority. A good plastic carabiner should be strong, light and reliable.
