Building a pattern of a-line dress with our own hands
Building a pattern of a-line dress with our own hands

The history of women's dress is rooted in the distant, distant past. Thanks to this attire, a woman always manages to look especially graceful and inimitable. With each century, dresses change. This applies not only to the length, finish, but also to the style. A-line dress is very popular today. For the first time it became fashionable in the last century in the sixties. At first glance, it is very simple, free, not long, but a woman or girl will always look especially tender in it. It perfectly hides fullness and sits well on any figure. Every woman can sew it, because it is not difficult to make a pattern of a trapeze dress. You just need to really want to, prepare paper, scissors and a pencil.

a-line dress pattern
a-line dress pattern

Building a dress pattern (trapeze)

Many people think that construction is difficult. In any business, knowledge and skills are needed. In order to make a pattern of a trapeze dress yourself, you do not need to know a large number of formulas and higher mathematics. It is enough if there is a drawing-basis of the dress at hand. It outlines the tuck of the chest (sometimes the shoulder), the darts at the waist, etc. First you need to translate the entire contourdrawing on a blank sheet of paper. Waist darts do not need to be circled. They are not required for this style. Further from the lower point of the shoulder tucks (this is the acute angle of the triangle), a vertical line must be drawn down. This line should then be cut, the darts closed, and the bottom, respectively, will expand. And move on to the chest tuck.

Simulation of the chest tuck

It is not necessary to transfer the bust tuck, especially if the size is large. We leave it in place, but from the point of the armpits it is necessary to draw oblique lines. To do this, step back 6-7 cm from the side point of the bottom of the dress and put a new point H3. Now we draw a line from the point of the armpits to H3. If the breast size is small, then the chest tuck can be closed. The silhouette of the dress will be somewhat loose and fluffy.

a-line dress pattern with a sleeve
a-line dress pattern with a sleeve

Summer dresses

The pattern of a summer dress (trapeze) is built very easily. Sleeves, as a rule, are not needed, and this season it is very fashionable for the armhole to be in the form of a raglan and a clasp at the neck. Anyone can design such a drawing. It is very good if you have the base of the dress on hand. Waist darts need to be removed, they are not needed. From the acute angle of the chest tuck, draw a vertical line to the bottom of the dress, which is then cut through. From the point of the armpit to the upper point of the neck, draw a line, this will be the raglan armhole. All that remains of the shoulder, cross out and then just cut off. What remains of the shoulder darts must be modeled. To do this, draw a line from an acute angle to the bottom of the dress. It's onback. And the front line should coincide with the vertical line, which is drawn from the chest tuck. Now close the tucks themselves, and push the bottom of the dress apart. You get a drawing that resembles a kind of dome. Do not forget that there should be a clasp on the neck. You can place it anywhere: on the back, in front. Here you need to show your imagination yourself.

construction of a dress pattern a-line
construction of a dress pattern a-line

Warm dress

Clothes are needed for any season. Making a pattern of a trapeze dress for a cold season is also easy. The drawing is the same, only the fabric will need a denser one. In this case, you will also need a sleeve drawing. It can be modeled too. The dress pattern (trapeze) with a sleeve is not much different from the sleeveless version. The armhole line does not need to be touched, otherwise the sleeve will not sit as it should. You can adjust the length of the sleeve, the assembly on the shoulders, sew cuffs on the bottom or make it flared. A-line dress with long sleeves with a raglan armhole looks beautiful. It can be used for finishing or decorative stitching.

pattern of a summer dress a-line
pattern of a summer dress a-line

Original dresses

A woman always tries to be unique. A-line dress is just what you need for this purpose. You can sew it with folds, cuts. Just do not make them too deep, because such a dress is usually modeled either short or knee-length. Long will make the figure heavy and massive. Starting to make a pattern of a trapeze dress, you must immediately consider what length is planned. The drawing showsbottom line, and then all tucks are modeled. If it is decided that it will be with folds, then this must be taken into account in advance. It is modeled in the same way as described above. Only now the planned horizontal line will need to be further expanded to the width that is planned to create the corrugation. If you need to make several small folds, then you should draw several lines, depending on how many there will be. They then also cut through and move apart. Such a dress with a yoke on the chest will look beautiful and unusual. This style is very well suited for women "in an interesting position." The dress is loose. Having closed the chest tuck when constructing, you need to model a yoke. From the upper point of the shoulder slope, you need to measure 3-4 centimeters down and put the point of the coquette K1. Then, from the neck line at the fold in front, measure down 10 centimeters, again put a point - K2. Connect these two dots and you get a coquette.
