How to mold animals from plasticine together with a child?
How to mold animals from plasticine together with a child?

Let's talk about how to mold animals from plasticine. Modeling classes are considered useful at any age. Thanks to this type of visual activity, children receive the necessary knowledge about the shape and properties of objects, fix colors and shades. During practical activities, the baby develops good motor skills.

You can sculpt with children after a walk in the park and on the sea. What you see on a walk can be depicted in the form of plasticine crafts. But after visiting the city zoo, it will be interesting to consolidate knowledge about wild animals in the process of modeling. What animals can be molded from plasticine? Absolutely any. After the tour, the child can tell who he met, who he liked best, which animals are representatives of our country, and which live in distant hot countries.

How to mold animals from plasticine?

Studying animals, the child must understand what parts of the body he has, what shape the torso, head, whether there is a tail, what length and shape it is. You will also need knowledge about the coat color of the character crafts, present onhead horns or not, what shape and size of the ears. Why does the giraffe have such a long neck? At the same time, the child recognizes the properties of plasticine. For example, when creating a giraffe, the kid must understand that such a long neck will not stay upright on its own, but will eventually fall on its side under the weight of plasticine. To prevent this from happening, you need to use insert elements, for example, a toothpick or a stick. It also strengthens thin and long legs, such as those of a deer or an ostrich.

Sculpting a tiger

How to mold animals from plasticine, read the article below. Let's start with a resident of the eastern regions - the tiger. You will need orange, black and yellow plasticine. The largest piece of material will go to the body of the predator. It is made in an elongated oval shape. Four identical paws are attached below. A round head is mounted on the torso in front, on the top of which there are two semicircular ears.

how to make a tiger
how to make a tiger

Tiger's tail is long, with a black tassel at the end. The muzzle of the beast is formed from three flattened yellow balls. Dots are punched on them with a pencil. The nose itself is black, fastened in the center of the muzzle. The eyes are small round black balls that are slightly pressed into the front of the animal's head. Lastly, long thin sticks are made of black plasticine and attached along the entire body. These are stripes on the fur of a tiger.


If you don't know how to mold animals from plasticine, read our recommendations below. The next step is to figure out how to blindmonkey using gray and peach colors. The head and torso of the primate are molded from balls, only the body needs to be made larger. The arms and legs of a chimpanzee are represented by long and thin sticks, which are attached to the body from above and below with fingers.

plasticine monkey
plasticine monkey

Ears of a semicircular shape consist of two parts. The outer part is gray, and the inner part is peach. Hands and feet are molded using a stack - a special plastic knife for plasticine. The last thing is work on the muzzle. A ball rolls from light plasticine and is attached from the bottom of the head. Above you need to cut out the eyes. To do this, the plasticine is rolled out in a thin layer and the required shape is cut out in a stack. Dots are made in the center with a pencil.


You can mold animals from plasticine with a child, starting with an elephant. This is an amazing animal that has a shape that is easy to recreate with plasticine. A long nose-trunk is attached to a large head in front. In order for the elephant to breathe, holes are made on its end part with a pencil, and stripes are drawn with a stack. On either side of the trunk are white fangs. Above the nose, on a large massive head, are the eyes. They are made in two colors. White circles are on the bottom, and black circles are the second layer.

elephant stuck together with a child
elephant stuck together with a child

The big head should be firmly attached to the body, you can strengthen it with a toothpick. The legs of an elephant are known to everyone for their shape, similar to pillars. They are molded from thick sticks and placed on the bottom of the stomach. ponytailthe animal is small and thin, narrowed down. There is a small brush on the tip.

The most recognizable part of an elephant's body is its huge ears. They are molded by pressing the balls with fingers on both sides. In the same way, the centers of the ears are white.

Toothy crocodile

Let's look at how to mold animals from plasticine in stages using the example of a crocodile. The body of an amphibian is formed from a piece of green plasticine. The tail and jaws are extended. With the help of a stack, an incision is made in the oral cavity so that the lower jaw is slightly thinner than the upper. And pressing down on top, the tip is dulled, and the nostrils are pressed through with a pencil. Also, fingers make indentations on the forehead of the beast and eyes are inserted into the cavity - white balls with black dots. You can make orange eyelids, as in the photo below.

plasticine crocodile
plasticine crocodile

The paws are made the same size and claws are attached to each paw from white plasticine. It remains to make a comb on the back. To do this, you need to form balls from small pieces and, along an even central line, pressing down, put them on the back of the beast. A pair of sharp teeth are attached to the mouth if desired.


To make such a high craft durable, you need to insert a wire or a wooden stick inside. From a large piece of plasticine, a torso is molded immediately along with a long neck and a head that arches forward. Small horns and ears are attached to the top of the head.

plasticine giraffe
plasticine giraffe

Then four legs are made and smeared with fingers from belowtorso. Several circles are glued onto the body and neck of the animal. It is interesting to make a giraffe from yellow plasticine, and brown spots on the body. Thus, the craft will look more like the original.

Now you know how to make plasticine animals from the zoo. Get to work with children. Good luck!
