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How to create origami berries: technique, description, instructions
How to create origami berries: technique, description, instructions

At all times, the manufacture of handicrafts occupied a worthy place among all types of art. Origami is mastered with great interest not only by children, but also by adults. Sometimes this hobby develops from a childhood hobby into a whole activity.

origami berries
origami berries

Origami of berries and fruits from paper, animals, flowers, geometric objects can be done by almost everyone. It is important to follow the instructions. You need to start with simple techniques to understand this art form. Then you can begin to complex work. This is the best help schemes and advice from professionals.

By creating origami, you can even decorate your apartment. The main thing is to think of what you would like to see and in what colors.

Surely you have seen interesting solutions for the design of houses and other premises in the form of furniture, vases, dishes, lamps. Well, many designers use this art form technique to create these things.

Origami is a universal art. Created works can be presented as a gift to friends and relatives. And you can create a corner and collect figures. For example, in the kitchen you can collect origami berries.

Currently, such needlework for children is a great way to additionallyand broader personal development. It consists in folding paper objects.

Ancient Art

This interesting hobby has Chinese roots. This is due to the fact that it was the Chinese who became the pioneers in the interaction with paper and mastered its production earlier than others.

At first, only we althy Chinese owned the art of origami. For ordinary people, it was closed and inaccessible.

But it was the Japanese who introduced children to this art. The samurai were engaged in this hobby. They made various crafts and gave each other as a gift before a battle or duel.

They also made origami for marriage. Butterflies were stacked. They personified lightness and purity. After a while, the whole world learned about this interesting art of paper folding.

What you need to create a shape

modular origami berry
modular origami berry

Whether you choose an origami berry or a geometric figure is not so important. It's your decision. However, let's figure out what you need to have on hand to start learning.

First is paper. And it doesn’t matter which sheet you will use - foil, fabric or parchment. If you decide to make the craft on a more professional level, you can purchase special paper sheets in a specialized store. They look like this: square, on the one hand - clean, on the other - colored. The only thing to check is that the paper folds easily.

So similar and different at the same time

Origami can be of different types. So,allocate:

  • classic;
  • modular;
  • kusudama;
  • kirigami.

Classic origami uses a regular sheet. No scissors or glue needed. When working in a modular way, sheets of different shapes and sizes are needed. They are folded into several rows, and then they are connected.

Kusudama is also laid out as a module. After that, a three-dimensional figure, a ball, comes out. You can put small items in it.

But this type of origami, like kirigami, involves the use of glue and scissors.

Having mastered a simple technique, you can create a modular origami "Berry"

So, how to do it? Making origami berries is suitable for beginners. Even a child can master this technique if they understand the system and follow the instructions.

Slice prepare the required materials to be used in the process. So, modules, satin ribbon, glue and scissors should be at hand.

It is from the modules that origami berries will be made. You can make your own out of paper. To collect ripe strawberries, you will need 102 pieces in the form of triangles, of which 82 are red, 8 are pink and 12 are green.

To succeed, learn the simple rules

It doesn't matter who will work on origami berries, be guided by the rules that will save both you and the children from undesirable consequences.

origami paper berry
origami paper berry

Since scissors are used when creating origami, you should be careful with them. For example, you do not need to point them up and hold them in that position. If you are in a group and it becomes necessary to pass the instrument to another person, do it with the tip down.

Try not to cut in the air, otherwise your hand may tremble and you will ruin the paper or cut yourself. Therefore, grind the material over the table.

Collecting ripe strawberries

origami paper berries and fruit
origami paper berries and fruit

The triangular module is also called origami with 3D effect. In this case, to make the modules you need to connect the same parts to each other. When you work on them, use the classic origami from one sheet, and then put the resulting elements into one another. The build looks pretty solid. Therefore, it does not use glue.

To assemble a modular origami you need to connect the first 3 rows.

The first one should contain 12 red cells. The second is exactly the same as the first. The same action must be done with number 3.

Take the workpiece and connect it into a circle, and then turn it inside out. Now we move on to the design of the 4th row. To create it correctly, alternate colors. Take 2 pieces in red, 1 in pink or whatever color you get. You don't have to highlight the module with any color, but do everything in one color.

The fifth row should consist of 12 red modules. The sixth must be the same as the fifth.

origami berries and fruits
origami berries and fruits

Go back to the first row. Add blotches to itof 12 green modules.

Pick up a ribbon of satin or silk fabric prepared in advance. Now it needs to be attached in the middle with glue.

That's it. Origami berries and fruits of other types, made in a similar way, can decorate your interior.
