Craftswoman's notebook: how to sew on buttons
Craftswoman's notebook: how to sew on buttons

A button is a small but essential part of a wardrobe. Despite the appearance of hooks, zippers, Velcro, she stubbornly retains her place of honor in the list of leaders in decorative elements of clothing. Oddly enough, she has her own life, her own story, which few people think about and guess.

how to sew on buttons
how to sew on buttons

Why do we need buttons? It would seem that the answer is obvious. For wearing comfort. But if you take a digression into history, you can find out amazing and curious facts.

In ancient times, people wore clothes made of skins. There was no question of any buttons then. But it was quite uncomfortable to walk like that. The impromptu robe was constantly flung open and strove to come off her shoulders. Then our ancestors began to cut holes in the skins and fastened them with animal bones or wooden sticks. They didn't even think about how to sew on the buttons. But inexorable time flew by, new fabrics appeared, fasteners also changed. In the Middle Ages, instead of bones and sticks, pebbles with drilled holes began to be used, on which loops were thrown. It was these stones that served as a prototypemodern buttons. The buttons themselves appeared much later. Initially, they did not function as fasteners, but as decorations. Sometimes one button cost more than the whole suit.

It was then that the tradition of attaching this decoration to clothes arose. Tips on how to sew on buttons were passed from mouth to mouth. This was taught to seamstresses and maids, both merchants and noble people spoke about it. The buttons were different in shape. However, their main types have survived to our time: on a leg, with two and four holes.

Still alive and ways of attaching this small detail. There are certain rules for how to sew on buttons:

why do you need buttons
why do you need buttons
  1. You should always start sewing from the wrong side.
  2. It is enough to make 5-7 stitches for the button to hold tightly on the clothes.
  3. If the fabric is too thick, do not pull the button too hard, let it slightly move away from the surface. This will prevent damage to the product if the button suddenly comes off.
  4. For outerwear and knitwear, it is better to use two buttons. One, decorative, will be located on the front side, and the second - auxiliary - on the wrong side. This will make the seam stronger and help avoid tearing the fabric.

Has anyone wondered why men's and women's clothes have buttons on different sides? There are three hypotheses for this. The first claims that women used to be dressed by maids, so it was convenient for them to fasten hooks if they were on the left side. There is a second assumption: the mothermost often holds the baby's head near the left breast, closer to the heart. It is easier for her to cover it from the cold with the right hollow clothes, so they made it so that it swings open on this side.

According to the third version, men take weapons in their right hand. In order to repel an attack at any time, this hand should not freeze. So he warms her in the bosom. Therefore, the left side of the garment swings open.

why do men's and women's clothes have buttons on different sides
why do men's and women's clothes have buttons on different sides

But all these hypotheses are purely conditional. Men's blouses have fasteners on the left side. Also, the buttons on the cassock of Orthodox priests are located on the left side.

And there is also an interesting sign: how to sew on buttons to become happy. So, when fastening a button with four holes, keep in mind:

  • cross stitches will make you beautiful and he althy;
  • two horizontal parallels will develop intuition;
  • square will give harmony with the outside world.

It would seem a small, nondescript button… But how many interesting things are connected with it!
