Compositions of vegetables. Do-it-yourself compositions from vegetables (photo)
Compositions of vegetables. Do-it-yourself compositions from vegetables (photo)

Autumn is a golden time, not only because everything around is painted in yellow and lemon shades, shines and glows, pleasing the eye with short-lived splendor. Autumn is generous with the harvest of vegetables and fruits, as if nature is specifically trying to give people its abundance. And from her gifts you can make not only supplies for the winter, but also interesting crafts. Which will pleasantly surprise your loved ones, will delight little kids. And you can also help your child make crafts for school or kindergarten competitions. Thus, your hobby will also be useful, and it will unite the family. After all, how interesting it is to make something special out of familiar objects!

Where to start

vegetable compositions
vegetable compositions

If you came up with the idea of a composition of vegetables, then, of course, you should think it over in detail. And here everything is important: color, shape of vegetables, their compatibility. And also how long they can maintain their presentable appearance. The undoubted advantage of the composition will be its practical usefulness, when after the demonstration of the exhibit it can be eaten. True, it is desirable that at least a day you can admire your creation.

Penguin family

DIY vegetable compositions
DIY vegetable compositions

Take, for example, eggplant. They can make original vegetable compositions called "Penguin Family". What you need for this: 5-6 blue little ones of different sizes and intense dark color, without spots and damage, always with green tails. Several large cauliflower inflorescences or a couple of heads of ordinary white cabbage. Let's start preparing our composition of vegetables with the processing of eggplant. Sharpen the ends of their tails, these will be beaks. With a knife, carefully make incisions in them, where you can insert small dark buttons-eyes. Cute muzzles of the characters of the composition of vegetables "Penguin Family" are ready. Now mark the breasts and bellies, remove the strip of peel under the beaks along the entire vegetable, capturing the rounded opposite end. On the sides, make cuts in the peel, lifting it up like penguin wings. So that the eggplant composition of vegetables, made with your own hands, does not darken the flesh without a peel, wipe it with vinegar. Then your penguins will flaunt snow-white breasts and bellies all day long just like real ones. Take a big tray. Fix the figurines on it in picturesque poses. Arrange the white cauliflower florets like snowdrifts. And admire the result! And if your kids learn how to make such compositions from vegetables with their own hands, in kindergarten or school they will certainly take prizes in competitions.

Alpine pasture

vegetable crafts photo
vegetable crafts photo

Vegetables –surprisingly fertile material for creativity and self-expression, even for those who are not endowed with special artistic talents or simply do not have the skills of modeling, wood carving, etc. To make, you only need a little imagination, and every person has it at least to a small extent. And if you come up with and compose attractive compositions of vegetables with your own hands as a whole family, then you will have an original common hobby. Isn't it great? But back to the master classes. Imagine lush meadows with delicate emerald grass, on which curly white sheep graze. Do you think this wonderful pastoral is difficult to recreate with the help of vegetable crafts? The photos in the article and step-by-step instructions will prove you otherwise! After all, all you need for the composition is a few heads of cabbage and the same number of champignons with legs, bunches of parsley and dill, a sheet of thin foam or cardboard.

Cute sheep

Let's start with the main element of vegetable crafts (photo attached) - lambs or lambs, as you like. Cut off exactly the cuttings from the cabbage, which will play the role of the legs. The lambs must graze in the meadow! For mushrooms, cut the legs closer to the hats, so that they look like sheep's muzzles. With the inside facing forward, attach the mushrooms to the cabbage heads with matches that can imitate eyes. And curly inflorescences will completely pass for curls of sheep's wool. Using the same matches or toothpicks, fasten each lamb to the foam. Now make holes on the sheet, where you insert green sprigs in groups. So you got a wonderful meadow -real Swiss idyll!

Basket of Abundance

autumn composition of vegetables
autumn composition of vegetables

Colorful and uncomplicated composition "Autumn" of vegetables can be made by schoolchildren for competitions, which are usually held in educational institutions among primary and secondary school students. If you prepare for the competition in advance, 2 weeks in advance, then the idea is as follows. Take a very large pumpkin, preferably the brightest color. From it you need to hollow out the entire core so that only the crust-bowl remains. Dry it and get the basis for the Basket of Abundance. Now it's up to the little things. From willow branches, you can make a handle using the technique of weaving braids on the head. Secure it with wire. And then it's quite simple. Put all the prettiest things in the basket! Striped zucchini, green-headed cabbage, orange carrots with lush tops, yellow and red tomatoes, colored bell peppers, purple eggplants - all these autumn gifts will find a place in your basket. If the idea is used for a mixed composition of vegetables and fruits, then a luxurious bunch of grapes, ruddy apples and golden pears will complement the magnificence of a still life and tell in detail about the fertile lands of your homeland. Thus, your work will also tell about patriotic feelings.

Cucumber frogs and sharks

craft compositions from vegetables
craft compositions from vegetables

Thinking through various crafts, vegetable compositions, use associative links. With whom, for example, do you associate a cucumber? Of course, with green frogs and crocodiles. And even sharks! cuteAnimals will cause a storm of delight in your little children, and even if they have problems with appetite, they will agree to eat an unloved vegetable without much persuasion. Where do we start? Place a cabbage leaf on a plate. Take a few small cucumbers. Cut each cross into 2 halves: one large, the other smaller. Divide the smaller one in half again, trim by making paws. At the larger end, make a small slit-like incision - the mouth. To make your cucumber frog completely resemble a real one, make eyes out of blackcurrant berries. With pieces of matches, fix the paws and eyes in the appropriate places and put the frog on the cabbage leaf. And move on to the next one. Just don't forget to take out the matches when the baby is eating vegetables!

Edible bouquet

do-it-yourself vegetable compositions for kindergarten
do-it-yourself vegetable compositions for kindergarten

If your child is lucky enough to be born in the fall, hand-made vegetable compositions for kindergarten will come in handy, especially in combination with a variety of fruits. Children will be happy to eat such "bouquets" as a treat from the birthday man. True, they need to be cooked immediately before serving. You will need: wooden thin skewers, tomatoes and cucumbers, apples, plums, oranges, large grapes, watermelon, melon, pineapple. Wash all products well. Cut medium-sized pieces of pulp from melon, watermelon, pineapple. Cut apples into slices. Peel the oranges, also divide into slices. Remove the grapes from the brushes. Cucumbers and tomatoes cut into large circles. Lay sheets of styrofoam on trays. On theplates - flowers of cucumbers with tomatoes, decorate with drops of mayonnaise. Randomly string the fruit platter onto the skewers, then stick them into the styrofoam. Place trays with fruit and vegetable compositions on the tables during the children's lunch. And congratulate the hero of the occasion with them!

Carving comes to the rescue

name of the composition of vegetables
name of the composition of vegetables

To give a special beauty and expressiveness to vegetable crafts, the art of cutting, or carving, will help you. Thanks to him, real masterpieces can be created from ordinary fruits of fields, orchards and orchards. And come up with an original name for the composition of vegetables. For example: "Frigate of Hope" (source materials - melon or pumpkin, white cabbage), "Charm of the eyes" (a bouquet of bell peppers, carrots, parsley and celery), "Vegetable ceramics" (pumpkin, zucchini of different varieties), etc. e. So the pulp of a watermelon or an apple will blossom into a lush flower in the hands of the master. Special knives will allow you to cut an elegant pattern on the skin of a pumpkin, turning it into a kind of ancient clay vessel. And the fruits of sweet pepper will turn into exquisite bells. Try and you will succeed!

Potato crafts

vegetable and fruit compositions
vegetable and fruit compositions

Speaking of vegetable crafts, listing various raw materials, we undeservedly ignored potatoes. And, oddly enough, from it, native, you can also create a lot of interesting things. For example, make fairy pigs. Wash small potatoes and boil in their skins until tender. Take out, let cool. Boil and a fewcarrots. Peel vegetables. Cut the carrot into "wheels" a couple of centimeters thick. These will be snout patches. Attach them with matches to potatoes. Insert 4 matches-legs into each tuber, place on plates. Spread cucumber "cleats" between them and call the children for dinner!

Banana rockets

Usually children love bananas. And if the child is naughty and does not want to eat he althy fruit, explain to him that this is … a rocket! Peel banana, cut in half crosswise. Insert mugs of kiwi portholes and apple doors into each half. Point the rockets with their sharp ends up and command the start of the flight - straight into the mouth of your baby, who will gladly take part in the game. This is such a delicious and he althy fantasy! And if you spread around the "stars" of berries, then the child will receive a portion of a real vitamin mix, which will have the most positive effect on his well-being. And mood.
