Cotton wool application: useful tips for activities with children
Cotton wool application: useful tips for activities with children

There is no end to the expanses of creativity. Even the most ordinary applications can be designed in the form of extraordinary skillful work. Of which only children are not offered to do their work, because there are many materials. In creative classes, children can be offered cotton appliqué. Children will be happy to complete the task, you just need to first discuss the technique and the order of doing the work.

Wadding as a material for creativity with kids

Cotton appliqué is a great way to make various postcards or embossed soft pictures. To perform such work, in addition to cotton wool, you can also use cotton pads, which in many cases greatly facilitate the work. Young children will be delighted with the implementation of the simplest applications in the form of a caterpillar, a flower or a snowman.

Wadding is a material that promotes the development of a child's fine motor skills and tactile sensations. In addition, it can be painted in different colors, due to which the area for experiments becomes even more extensive.

cotton applique for kids
cotton applique for kids

Moreover, you can look for colored cotton wool and use it in your work along with cotton swabs. In this way, a wonderful application of cotton wool in the form of flowers is created. Pink cotton can be used as petals, yellow cotton can be used as a core, and a cotton swab will make a beautiful stamen.

Besides this, not only cotton wool with paints, but also other improvised materials are used for the application. For making crafts, various types of cereals, scrapbooking paper, sequins, ribbons and much more are at hand.

Ideas for cotton appliqués

From cotton wool you can make a wide variety of crafts:

  • Cotton wool application "Winter" - you can make a snow-covered picture in which the house is depicted with pencils or paints, but the snow-covered roof, clouds and snowflakes must be made of cotton wool. Additionally, you can depict a snowman in the picture, the easiest way is to decorate it with cotton pads.
  • cotton applique winter
    cotton applique winter
  • Small fluffy chickens are made from cotton pads painted yellow, eyes and beaks are made of paper and also glued to the application.
  • It's very easy to make a fluffy and curly poodle dog. First, small spools are rolled out of cotton wool and pasted over with an animal previously drawn on paper. The mane and tail can be made of cotton wool in the form of tassels. In the same way, an application of cotton wool for children in the form of a lamb is made from the pellets.
  • Willow - This early flowering shrub with fluffy buds is easy to make. On theA tree with branches is drawn on paper with a felt-tip pen, and cotton oblong pellets are used as kidneys.

Applique "Snowman" made of cotton wool

Even the youngest children can make a cute cotton snowman. Such an application can be used in the manufacture of a New Year's card. And what could be better for the New Year than a souvenir made by a child.

To work, you will need colored cardboard or thick paper, cotton pads, cotton wool, light-colored knitting threads, sparkles, felt-tip pens, glue and scissors.

cotton snowman applique
cotton snowman applique

Step by step instructions

To start with, you need to prepare five circles of different sizes from cotton pads: three will go to making the body and two identical circles for the handles.

Next, a sheet of cardboard or thick paper of blue or blue color is cut (folded) in half. After that, in the middle it is necessary to glue the snowman from the cotton pads that were prepared earlier with PVA glue. From below, using cotton wool or light knitting threads, you need to make an imitation of snow. The moon from a cotton pad is also glued with PVA. Glitter is used as snowflakes. The broom, hat, buttons, mouth, nose and eyes are finished with felt-tip pens.

All these small details can be made more spectacular. Suppose you can use sequins for making buttons, black beads for making eyes, and a bucket for a head can be cut out of colored paper.

Appliques from cotton swabs

On long winter evenings with children, you can make the mostvarious crafts. At the same time, any materials are useful for work, and cotton buds are no exception.

Appliques are the easiest way to use cotton buds. Such work is within the power of the smallest children. In addition to sticks, for creativity you will need PVA or polymer glue.

To make a beautiful craft, you just need to fix cotton swabs on paper in a certain order. In this way, a wide variety of beautiful pictures are obtained.

cotton appliqués
cotton appliqués

Snowflakes are very beautiful, glass pebbles, which are used as a middle, will help to make them more original. No less original are flowers made from cotton buds. The core can be made from a ball of cotton wool, and a wire wrapped in green knitting threads is used as a stalk. These flowers make beautiful compositions that will be an excellent basis for a greeting card.

Applications are one of the simplest and at the same time the most effective types of creativity in the development. Cotton appliqué will help develop not only artistic abilities, hand motor skills, but also diversify the tactile sensations of babies.
