Marine knots: diagrams, drawings, methods. Marine knots: history and knitting pattern
Marine knots: diagrams, drawings, methods. Marine knots: history and knitting pattern

The art of tying knots is actually useful not only for those who regularly sail on ships. It will be useful for any tourist to have a couple of such tricks in their arsenal, but at least for a more durable installation of a camping tent and fitting a rain tent to it. And how interesting this process is in itself! For those who wish to learn how to tie sea knots, schemes and methods are given in this article.

Rope knots in our lives

Knotting is one of the first things mankind has learned in the course of its evolution. They fastened tools, made the first snares and traps for hunting, as well as locks.

The very first ropes were strips of tree bark, vines, animal skins. They fastened the first clothes and the first bed. Gradually, people mastered weaving and were already able to make ropes on their own, making them stronger and longer. Yes, and it was thanks to them that for the first time its main symbol, the flag, rose above the state.

Rope is a faithful companion of a person in travel, both sea and air. Rope useIt is difficult to imagine without knitting knots. These words have long been associated with each other. It was the sailors who were the first to start knitting sea knots, the patterns of which can be found in textbooks on rigging.

Sea knots: history and pattern of knitting

They are an integral part of human culture, it is hard to imagine our world without them. New nodes continue to be invented today, and each of them receives authorship, like an invention, and a patent.

Their genius is in their simplicity. They can be locking, quick-release, tightening and non-tightening. This art has been passed down from generation to generation. Thanks to the ropes, the first devices for swimming on water appeared - rafts. The knot also has a mystical meaning - it is not just a way of fastening, but a talisman that protects its owner from trouble.

The sailors of Northern Europe had a belief about three magic knots - correctly tied on ship gear, they kept from the wreck. There was even a ritual for untying, which was supposed to call the wind.

In the heyday of navigation, there were about 500 knots. Their names are derived from the gear to which they were applied - for example, pile or boat. Nowadays, knots are also identified with the country where it was invented - the Spanish gazebo knot or the Flemish loop.

Nautical knots history and knitting pattern
Nautical knots history and knitting pattern

The working ends of the cable, with which knitting is carried out, are called running. They circle around the indigenous ones, which remain motionless. Thesethe ends are opposite to each other.

To this day you can find peoples who have not been touched by the blessings of civilization, and they still make weapons and snares for hunting and fishing using knitting.

Rope knots: their types and methods of knitting

You will need a rope, not too thick and soft enough. Just like in knitting, training is needed here. From the first time you will remember little, so each new node must be worked out several times. And of course, they must be used in everyday life, otherwise they will quickly be erased from memory.

Yes, each of them has its own name. But do not focus too much on them, it is better to memorize the sequence of combinations. There are not many established names, and more often they depend on the source.

The simplest knot is knitted like this: a loop is made at one end of the rope, into which the running end is threaded. All. Its disadvantage is a decrease in the strength of the rope. An experienced angler or navigator always trims or replaces randomly tied simple knots.

You can start working on knitting skills with the G8. It does not reduce strength and is easily untied. The practical value is to limit the movements of the rope. The figure eight is an element of other more complex knots.

rope knots, their types and methods of knitting
rope knots, their types and methods of knitting

If you need to join two ropes, tie a straight (or reef) knot. To increase reliability and strength at the running ends, you need to make figure eights. When knitting, two ropes are crossed twice in succession. One ofthe free ends are folded in half, forming a bow. If the number of running revolutions is increased, a surgical knot will be obtained, which is knitted on stretched cables.

Extra yarns and turns can not only ruin everything, but also make one knot completely different. Therefore, when knitting, carefully follow the directions of the coil.


Straight or reef is included in the 24 main sea knots. Why are they called that? It is believed that they are the most common in navigation, and it was with them that everything began. In this classification, straight and reef knots are two knots, although the principle of their knitting is absolutely the same. Figure eight and surgical (or double straight) also apply here.

In cases where it is necessary to tie the ends of two ropes, a flat knot or bayonet is knitted. Its distinguishing feature is symmetry. Knitting technology: one of the ends is folded in a loop, the other end is wrapped around in the same way, the ends stretched through are pulled together. They should be intertwined one through the other.

One of the most used in rigging is a pile knot. The running end is inserted into the loop with the same loop. Tighten it around an object, otherwise it will not tighten.

Separately allocate such knots of the "bayonet" type. This is a straight line, with two hoses, with a run-out and a fishing one. The first is used for high-quality mooring. The technology of its knitting has already been described above. Here everything is the same, only the rope first wraps around the mooring fell. To reduce cable wear, a bayonet with two hoses was invented. Rope atthis wraps around the fell twice. The bayonet with a run-out has an additional loop. This is done for even greater reliability. Rybatsky differs from a knot with two hoses in that an additional loop is knitted, and not just thrown over. It is he who is used for anchoring.

To tie the cable tightly on something, another rope or rope, knit a knotted knot. The running end, which is carried around the object, is carried over the root. The second hose is knitted in the opposite direction.

24 major maritime knots
24 major maritime knots

There are also knots called sliding bayonet, buoy knot, double arbor and simple arbor, clew, bramshkotov, noose, top, double eight, locking, towing and boat. There is one called cat's paws. It does not tighten at all and is used to secure the lines. Outwardly, it looks like an intricate weave.

Most famous

The main quality of marine knots is reliability, as well as simplicity and the ability to do it with just one hand. Simplicity seems out of place here, but in fact, intricate sea knots are knitted really quickly and easily thanks to well-tuned technology.

15 popular maritime knots include the familiar figure-of-eight, straight and flat, twin-hose bayonet, fishing bayonet, stop and reef knots, as well as the garrote, tightening garrote, Portuguese bowline, improved dagger knot, Flemish noose and Flemish knot.

Why are they included in this classification? They are widely used not only in marineIn fact, now they are indispensable, for example, for climbers. Imagine that you urgently need to throw a lasso with a secure knot on a rock or quickly wrap a rope around your waist with one hand so that you are pulled out of a place that is difficult for other people to reach.

Pretty theory

Now you know exactly what sea knots are. Drawings, knitting patterns for some of them, namely those that can be applied in everyday life, are listed below.

For training, use a regular clothesline and a chair. At first, just make the simplest self-tightening knots. To do this, you need to throw the rope over the crossbar and carry one end through the resulting loop.

And this is how the Flemish knot is knitted, one of the simplest and most popular. It will come in handy for you to securely fasten two ropes together.

nautical knots drawings knitting patterns
nautical knots drawings knitting patterns

At the end of one rope, make a loose figure eight, and now take the running end and carry it, as if imposing, over the root. Now you need to stretch it through the leftmost ring. If you are interested in how other sea knots fit, you can find two more schemes in this article.

We knit a double gazebo knot

This skill can be very useful to you in life, because it is used to create a reliable foothold, when building hanging arbors or scaffolds, and it is also useful for creating an emergency lifting mechanism. The picture shows how to tie a marine knot. The scheme is described below.

how to tiemarine knot diagram
how to tiemarine knot diagram

Make an open loop in the middle of the rope. Now you need to fold it closed and thread the end of the first through it. Circle the elongated loop around the entire knot to the very root ends. Tighten.

Let's try to tie a Portuguese bowline

If suddenly a difficult situation occurs in your life when you have to lift a wounded person, this knot can be very useful. Its purpose is to create two loops in which you can just put your feet. The root end is then knitted with a half bayonet under the armpits so that the fastening is as reliable as possible for an unconscious person.

nautical knots scheme
nautical knots scheme

Make two circular turns on both sides.

Pass the running ends around them. Make a simple knot and pull it to the side. Remember that it does not tighten much. Drag the center loop through the body of the knot.

15 popular nautical knots
15 popular nautical knots

So you learned how to knit some sea knots. Schemes and drawings of all cannot be reflected within the framework of one article, therefore, those who are very interested are advised to study specialized reviews or textbooks.
