What is wool watercolor?
What is wool watercolor?

Today there are so many painting techniques: charcoal, oil, acrylic, pastel and crayons. But every century brings something new. For example, wool watercolor, which occupies a special place in this series. Firstly, this type of needlework cannot be attributed either to mosaics, or to weaving, or to painting. It turned out that the material, from which only felt boots and scarves were previously made, can become an object of art in skillful hands. By the way, the technique of felting wool is very ancient. The first such items found by archaeologists are over eight thousand years old.

wool watercolor
wool watercolor

What do watercolor and wool have in common

What is wool watercolor? The master class on this technique is simple and a bit like painting with watercolors. People have been familiar with felting for thousands of years. Blankets, clothes, carpets, hats and even bags were made from wool. Of course, this process is extremely time-consuming and painstaking, but the result can exceed all expectations. Wool clothes are very light. She wears for a long time, is not afraid of water and seems to breathe.

But why wool watercolor? The paintings created in this technique are very delicate. They usually do not have sharp and clear lines, brightcolors. And in their appearance, in the transitions of shades, paintings made of wool resemble exactly watercolor drawings.

wool watercolor master class
wool watercolor master class

Paintings created using the technique of wet felting are called wool watercolors. But only if they carry a certain intention of the artist, reflect the feelings, moods of the master, are harmonious, balanced and have a storyline.

Features of wool watercolor

But now, with the development of the craft, new interesting opportunities have appeared. On sale you can find a variety of colors of felt, with which you can create paintings using the "wool watercolor" technique - abstract drawings, portraits, still lifes and landscapes. Moreover, it depends on the master where his masterpiece will find its place. You can make a panel out of a picture, or you can decorate a bag or clothes with it, arrange it in a baguette.

In early childhood, most children are introduced to watercolors and gouache paints. But you can introduce your child to wool as well. There is only one limitation - the absence of allergies to wool fibers. Wool watercolor, like other art forms, has no age limit. You can start painting while on maternity leave or in retirement.

woolen watercolor painting
woolen watercolor painting

Wool watercolor. Master Class. How to create your own unique painting?

You should start by developing your sketch. You have to think about the colors and the story you want to portray. First prepare the base of felt, and then spread the fibers on itfrom wool of the main color. After that, start laying out your sketch. To make it easier to do this, divide all the elements of the picture into separate parts. Wool should be laid out in very small portions, literally a few fibers each. Before laying the wool on the base, it should be fluffed. Then dampen the entire drawing with the soap solution. You can also decorate your work with other fibers, such as the so-called "banana threads". When working, many craftswomen use beads, semi-beads, cabochons, beads and a variety of three-dimensional decorative elements made of wood, metal and plastic. You can also use a felting needle to work on details such as the eyes.

Material for creating paintings

If you want to create woolen watercolor paintings, first select the necessary materials. You can use combed tape. This is wool combed in a special way, in which the fibers are stretched to one side and neatly laid in a ribbon. There is carded wool, in which all the fibers are directed in different directions. For decorativeness, other materials are added to wool: acrylic, silk and viscose.
