How to sew a jacket with your own hands
How to sew a jacket with your own hands

If suddenly you were thinking about how to sew a jacket and thought it was something insanely difficult, then believe me, you were wrong. In our time, and even more so with our prices, this skill will be very useful. It will be enough just to know the basic principles of sewing, to have the desire and patience so that sewing a jacket does not cause you great difficulties.

The truth about tailoring jackets

Sewing outerwear is likely to be of interest to almost every woman who loves to sew. Naturally, if you have taken up this business for the first time, it will seem to you that it is very difficult. But, believe me, this is only the first impression. So feel free to take on this business - you will succeed.

Think about the fact that with this product you will not need to suffer too much, glue small parts, and if suddenly there are some minor flaws, they can easily be hidden under the lining.

Every modern woman in her wardrobe can find all sorts of jackets, raincoats and fur coats. And every fashionista does not miss the chance to treat herself to a new thing. But why not stop spending extra money on expensive purchases, and just wonderhow to sew a jacket.

And it is worth noting that you do not need to have any special knowledge and extensive experience in tailoring things. Actually the secret is simple. The most important thing in tailoring a jacket is, following the rules, to clearly and correctly make a pattern, taking into account your size.

You will still need to decide on the main material from which you want to sew your jacket, as well as prepare other fabrics and accessories, such as synthetic winterizer, lining, various zippers and fasteners suitable for sewing a needle and thread.

After that, it remains only to decide on the style of your future jacket. After you have finally decided and weighed everything, following the recommendations, you can start sewing your new clothes, and then you will definitely succeed.

how to sew a jacket
how to sew a jacket

Technology and secrets of sewing

Believe me, there is nothing to be afraid of. At first, any person is frightened by simple and banal uncertainty, but once you see the detailed step-by-step instructions for the entire work process, in order to understand: in fact, nothing is easier.

It is also important to decide what kind of fittings you need. If you are thinking of sewing a sports-style jacket, then a zip fastener is best for you. If suddenly it is not possible to get lightning, replace it with buttons. And if you do not have access to them, then take the buttons.

Jackets for women, their types and features

First of all, decide what exactly you want. After all, all jackets are so different, each in its own way is unique and beautiful. Every fashionista in the wardrobe, as a rule,you can find not one, not two, and not even five jackets and coats of various styles and tailoring. And no matter how many there are, each of them means something and is designed for a special occasion. In any case, you definitely cannot call any of them superfluous.

sew a light jacket
sew a light jacket

Light jackets

Now let's look at an example of how to sew a light jacket.

You will need the following materials:

- Raincoat fabric.

- Interlining.

- Zipper 60 cm.

- Buttons.

- Threads.- Sewing machine.

How to sew a jacket? We begin the process by sewing the lining. To begin with, we sew shelves with selections. Then we sew the side parts to the center of the shelves. After you need to stitch the darts. Sew side seams and shoulders. Carefully sew on the sleeves.

Top of the jacket: sew the center of the shelves and side parts. We sew darts. Why we sew shoulder parts, sides of the shelf and back. Then we sew in the sleeves.

Jacket collar: you need to measure the size of the neck. The size of the finished collar should be 6 cm. Depending on the size of the neckline, you need to cut a strip of fabric so that the finished part is 6 cm. But do not forget to add 1 cm for the seams.

In order to sew in a zipper, use a helium pen or chalk to mark the place on the right and left sides on the jacket shelves. And carefully sew it on.

Jacket pocket: cut out a pocket for our jacket in the shape you want. We cut out the lining of the same shape. We connect both parts. Sew a finishing seam of about 1 cm along the top of the pocket. Carefully with chalk on the shelfmark the place where you will sew it. Then carefully attach it.

Belt: cut out a strip of fabric 9 cm wide. Put interlining on the upper part of the belt, bend it along and iron it with an iron. We fold the edges inward and sew with a finishing seam.

Assembling the jacket: you need to sew on the lining, starting from the sleeves. Bottom to bottom. And so on carefully and evenly every detail.

Sew the collar to the neckline. Wasting the finishing seam along the collar and shelves. We do the same from the bottom of the sleeves. We bend the bottom of the jacket and also carefully hem it.

Our jacket is ready. Now you know everything about how to sew a jacket.

sew a jacket with your own hands
sew a jacket with your own hands

Warm jackets

The most famous type of insulation in the world is synthetic winterizer. This material is easy to work with, easy to find in any store, and besides, it has a reasonable price. But still it has its drawbacks. At low temperatures, it loses its thermal properties and deteriorates from a hot iron and steam. It also loses thickness over time, especially after washing.

How to properly sew a product with insulation, consider the example of sewing a jacket for a boy.

Jackets for kids

It's also easy to make a jacket for your child. So, let's figure out how to sew a jacket for a boy with your own hands.

To do this you will need:

- Jacket fabric.

- Lining.

- Zipper.

- Rubber cuffs.

- Threads.- Pattern paper.

sew a jacket for a boy with your own hands
sew a jacket for a boy with your own hands

Whenpattern details do not forget that you need to leave 1 cm for the seams. Transfer the pattern to paper.

From the fabric for the jacket and from the lining we cut out the following details:

  • Backrest - 1 piece each
  • Front - 2 each
  • Sleeve - 2 pcs
  • Hood - 2 pcs

Sewing jackets

We connect the back and sleeves. From the main jacket fabric we sew the sides and sleeves at the same time. We do the same actions with the lining.

On the back of the jacket, mark the middle. We connect the seam of the hood with the middle of the back. We put a lining inside the hood. On the front parts, allowances of 1 cm wide will have to be left for sewing in the zipper. Gently fold the remaining edges at the bottom of the zipper.

Rubber cuffs are folded in half and sewn in the same way as the hood.

After that, we carefully attach the zipper, while retreating from the bottom of the jacket 3 cm. It remains only to carefully hem the bottom of our jacket. The product is ready.

Leather jackets

Let's learn how to sew a leather jacket.

Many people think that a leather jacket is a terribly difficult task. But if you set a goal and approach this issue as correctly as possible, then there are really no difficulties in this.

If you have basic sewing skills, know how to work with patterns, then maybe it's time to try something new. Working with leather has its own characteristics:

- Leather fabric should never be basted with a needle, as the needle puncture sites will remain forever.

- In order to fasten betweentwo parts, you can use superglue or different clips.

- When working with patterns, you need to take into account the density of the skin. If it is too soft, leave more room for seams.

sew a leather jacket
sew a leather jacket

How to sew a jacket with your own hands

When all the patterns are transferred to paper, all the nuances are taken into account and finalized, you can try to start sewing. Try to lay out the patterns on the fabric as sparingly as possible. Use chalk to circle all the details. This can be done both from the wrong side and from the front side. Since our material is very soft and easy to stretch, all the details must be duplicated with a special fabric - dublerin. It can be bought at any specialized store. To give the leather extra volume, glue the leather with foam rubber in the places you need and carefully sew.

As carefully as possible, connect all the details of the jacket. Sew in the sleeves and collar. Cut out the same details from the lining fabric as from the main one. We connect all the details of the lining. Then very carefully sew the lining fabric to the main product. It's best to start with the sleeves. Then along the bottom of the jacket, then the shelves and the neck. This is how easy it is to sew a jacket with your own hands.

Winter Jackets

If you want a padding polyester jacket, the question you need to decide is: what material to choose for sewing? Basically, such products are sewn from artificial leather or raincoat fabric. There is, of course, a price difference, so decide how much you are willing to spend on fabric first.

After you have chosen the fabric, you can get to work. So, how to sew a jacket on a padding polyester with your own hands?

For such a jacket you will need:

- artificial leather - 2.5 m.

- lining fabric - 2.2 m.

- sintepon 200 - 2, 5 m.

- raincoat fabric - 1 m.

- zip 80 cm long.- standard zippers for pockets - 2 pcs.

How to sew a jacket on synthetic winterizer

Transfer the sample pattern to paper. Then we cut out the details of our product from the insulation and the main fabric. All parts are connected to each other with pins, taking into account the places for seams.

how to sew a jacket on a synthetic winterizer
how to sew a jacket on a synthetic winterizer

Quilt each detail along the marking lines, marking them in advance on the front side of the fabric. For this, of course, artificial leather is better suited, since by making notes on the front side, they can then be easily washed off. If you are working with a different fabric and cannot make marks on the face, then do it from the wrong side of the fabric, then sweep, and only then sew along with the padding polyester.

To make the side pockets of the jacket you will need:

- 2 pocket parts from the main fabric, lining and insulation (and you need to take only half the insulation layer, i.e. manually carefully divide the padding layer into 2 equal thicknesses).- 2 parts each of the strip (to add volume) from the main and from the lining fabric.

For each detail, do not forget to leave room for an allowance - 1.5 cm each.

We quilt, and then sew the details of the strip to the pockets from the insulation. We do the same withstriped details and pockets in lining fabric. We connect the details of the pockets from the lining and the main fabric with the front sides and sew them together. Turn out finished pockets through the cut.

Sew the finished pockets to our jacket, folding the edges in order to hide the lining.

All prepared and pre-quilted parts of our product are carefully connected and sewn together.

Sewing the hood

Cut out the details of the hood from black raincoat fabric and sew them together. For the inside of the hood, we cut the same parts from another fabric and carefully sew them into the middle of the hood, then turn them inside out. We attach both lower parts of our hood to the middle of the neck of the jacket.

Cut out the details for the bottom of our jacket and facing. We connect them with the front sides with the bottom of the jacket and sew.

For a hanger loop, you need to cut a piece of fabric in the form of a 1x8 cm strip. Of course, you can buy a finished piece, for example, in the form of a chain.

Sew it in the middle while joining the piping and ribs.

In order to sew a zipper into the product, we put our zipper face to face on the left and right part of our jacket and carefully sew them. Before applying the zipper, step back from the bottom of the jacket 1 cm. This is done so that the finished product does not stick out due to the fastener at the bottom.

In the same way, we carefully sew the details of the lining of our jacket. Sew on the lining, starting from the bottom of the jacket. Then we sew the sleeves from the main fabric and the lining and connect them to the jacket.

Now jacketready.

Demi-season jackets

It would also be useful to learn how to sew a jacket for spring with your own hands.

With the onset of warm days, I want to take off heavy coats and jackets and put on light and spring ones. If you are tired of your old things, you can try to make such a jacket yourself.

For work you will need:

- leather substitute;

- sintepon;

- lining fabric;

- zipper;

- short zippers for pockets.

Transfer pattern samples to paper. Then carefully redraw on the fabric and cut out.

Parts List:

- back - 2 children. middle part, 2 children. sides, 1 child. undercut with a fold;

- shelves - 2 children. sides, 2 children. middle part, 2 children. central part, 2 children. slats;

- collar.

sew a jacket for spring with your own hands
sew a jacket for spring with your own hands

Pin the details of the back of the jacket together with pins, then carefully stitch and iron.

In the same way, we outline or connect the details of the middle part of the shelves with the side ones with pins and also sew.

Baste the details of the shelf bar together, sew. Then process the darts and iron towards the center.

Then, alternately connect the parts from the lining and the main fabric together. We prepare the collar pattern and cut it out of the fabric. We connect and sew the parts of the stand, sewing a collar between them.

Then we sew the details of the finished product from the lining and from the main fabric. We do the same with the details of the sleeves and carefullysew them into the middle of the jacket.

How to sew a jacket with your own hands, patterns will tell you in more detail.

Everyone knows that all good things come to an end. And no matter how much we love warm summer days, cold autumn and winter evenings will definitely come after them. With the onset of cold weather, we have to spend money on warm jackets and raincoats. But why not try to make such products yourself? It's also not as difficult as some people think. All you need for this is to have at least the slightest knowledge of the features of the cut.

Examples of Patterns

Consider the most common options for patterns of autumn and winter jackets. Here is an example of how to sew a jacket from a photo of patterns.

sew a jacket photo
sew a jacket photo

You don't have to throw money away on expensive fashion magazines. All you need to do is start your collection of patterns and indulge yourself with new clothes when you feel like it.

how to sew a jacket with your own hands patterns
how to sew a jacket with your own hands patterns

When you think about sewing outerwear with your own hands, the main criterion for you is the quality and style of the product. You will not be able to sew such a thing on your own ("out of your head"). So first you have to stock up on patterns. If you spend your time and effort on the work, you will succeed in everything with high quality. And you can proudly brag to your friends that this is your job.
