How to sew a monkey: pattern, materials
How to sew a monkey: pattern, materials

A monkey pattern will help you sew a beautiful toy. For its manufacture, felt, plush and cotton fabrics are used.


monkey pattern
monkey pattern

What material to choose for creating a monkey pattern? You can use different fabric in this case:

  • Felt is perfect for sewing with children. It is soft and easy to cut with scissors. Felt has a wide palette of shades.
  • Plush fabric is soft and has little lint. Making patterns out of it is a little more difficult, but the toy turns out quite beautiful.
  • Cotton is a versatile fabric. Both beginners and experienced craftswomen sew from it. White cotton toy can be painted with acrylics.

When choosing a fabric for a monkey pattern, you need to build on skill, as well as what you want to sew.

Felt toy

do-it-yourself monkey patterns
do-it-yourself monkey patterns

To make monkey patterns with your own hands, you will need a little patience and materials for creativity. Children must follow all steps under adult supervision.

Required materials:

  • felt (brown, white);
  • white paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • threads to matchfelt and needle;
  • a little synthetic winterizer or filler for toys.

How to sew a monkey? This process consists of the following actions:

  1. First you need to transfer the pattern to white paper. Then it is cut out and applied to the fabric.
  2. Cut out the pattern, making seam allowances of about 5 mm.
  3. Each detail is sewn together, putting a little synthetic winterizer inside. It is important that felt toys are sewn on the front side.
  4. When the body of the animal is sewn, the muzzle is made out.
  5. Eyes can be sewn on, embroidered or glued ready on a hot gun.
  6. You can tie a satin ribbon bow around the monkey's neck.

The toy can be hung on the Christmas tree for the New Year or given to a small child for his birthday. The felt monkey is beautiful and soft.

Cotton toy

fabric monkey pattern
fabric monkey pattern

A pattern of a monkey from fabric is done very quickly, and the result will please everyone who wants to sew such a toy. Cotton can be purchased at any craft store and comes in a wide range of colors and shades.

So, in the process of work, you will need the following:

  • cotton fabric in two shades;
  • scissors;
  • thread to match the fabric and needle;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • pattern and chalk for cutting.

Step by step sewing process:

  1. The finished pattern is applied to the fabric, fixed with tailor's pins and circled with chalk, making allowances for seams of 5 mm.
  2. Carefully cut out the details with scissors.
  3. You can sew a toyby hand or on a sewing machine.
  4. Each detail is filled with padding polyester.
  5. The finished monkey is decorated: eyes are sewn on, mouth is sewn on.

The toy made of cotton is hypoallergenic and suitable for small children. If desired, you can put wooden beads in the paws or fill in buckwheat, which is useful for fine motor skills.


Recommendations of experienced needlewomen will help to avoid mistakes when forming a monkey pattern and sewing a toy. Helpful Hints:

  • Be sure to make seam allowances. With the help of them, the size of the toy will be respected, and the details will be able to keep their shape.
  • The color of fabric and thread must match. As a result, the product will be beautiful and neat.
  • The scissors should be sharp so that the fabric does not tear and the details are even.
  • For little children, natural materials are chosen, without the addition of synthetics. Cotton does not cause allergic reactions and is safe for the baby.
  • You can't rush while sewing. It is necessary to allocate time for each item of product creation.
  • If there is no experience, you do not need to invent a pattern yourself. In various needlework magazines, there are many ready-made toys with a description and a picture of each detail.

In closing

A hand-sewn monkey will become a baby's best friend. Toys are filled with love and warmth of craftswomen. The sewing process always starts with a pattern, and then a unique product is born.
