Decorating a vase with your own hands: a step-by-step master class
Decorating a vase with your own hands: a step-by-step master class

On the eve of the New Year, it's time to think about interesting and original gifts. According to a huge number of people, the best option is the one that is made by hand. For this reason, we suggest exploring various ways to decorate a vase with your own hands.

What can be decorated?

Let's start with the fact that you can transform not only a vase, but any vessel. Or rather, even to say that the idea of the technology being studied is to turn a glass jar, bottle and even a plastic cup into a real work of art. In this case, you can use almost any improvised material. It all depends on the imagination of the needlewoman.

It is also important to note that it is not necessary to decorate empty containers. If you wish, you can decorate a closed one in an original way (most often the choice falls on alcoholic products), and then present it to a loved one, friend or colleague.

decor vase twine
decor vase twine

Preparatory stage

Regardless of how you plan to decorate a vase with your own hands, youglue is required. Basically any stationery, but in some cases you will have to use the "Moment". Then it is better to purchase "Moment-Crystal". There is nothing to say about other materials and tools. After all, you can literally work with anything.

Mosaic vases are the most popular. It is done with egg shells. Also considered fashionable are vases wrapped in twine. Interesting are those that are decorated with openwork fabric, ribbons, buttons and other sewing paraphernalia. As we noted earlier, it all depends on the wishes of the needlewoman. However, in the article we propose to consider the step-by-step execution of the most spectacular options.

Decoupage eggshell bottles

This idea is quite simple, but it looks (with quality work) really impressive and expensive. If you also like this option, prepare:

  • eggshell;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush - optional;
  • white water-based paint;
  • white patterned paper napkins;
  • scissors.

Decorating a vase with your own hands is as follows:

  1. The first step is to prepare the shell. To do this, you can put it in a bag, and then roll it out with a rolling pin.
  2. After apply glue to a small area of the washed and dried vessel.
  3. Fill the area with shell pieces, spacing them at a distance (no more than 0.5 cm) from each other.
  4. Having designed the whole bottle in this way, we leave it to dry. It will take approximately 3-4hours.
  5. Then we cover the work with paint and also dry it well (7-10 hours).
  6. At the next stage, cut out pictures from napkins and glue them on a vase. Dry.
  7. This completes the master class on decorating a vase with your own hands. But if you wish, you can open your craft with varnish to extend the service life.
decoupage vase
decoupage vase

Bottle decorated with pasta

Various food products have recently gained enormous popularity. Moreover, everything is used - the possible and the impossible. But the most popular material for creativity is pasta. Therefore, we suggest using them to decorate a vase.

This requires:

  • pasta of various shapes and sizes;
  • glue "Moment-Crystal";
  • can of black (or other color) acrylic paint.

Decorating a vase with your own hands involves simple manipulations:

  1. First of all, paint the prepared vessel with paint.
  2. Waiting for it to dry completely. Usually 10-12 hours is enough.
  3. Then, use glue to attach the pasta. In this case, you can completely rely on your imagination.
  4. After we dry the craft again. Approximately 3-4 hours.
  5. And we proceed to the final stage. We take a can and spray it on a vase from a short distance.
  6. Waiting for drying again.

Twin vase decor

vase decor
vase decor

This version of the craft is also in great demand. So if you decide to give it to someonefrom relatives, you can hardly go wrong. In this case, it is better to take a glass bottle of complex shape as a basis.

To implement the idea you need:

  • string;
  • scissors;
  • small and medium pebbles;
  • dried leaves;
  • leather harness;
  • two types of glue;
  • awl and hook.

Step-by-step description of decorating a glass vase:

  1. First, make a hole in a tube of PVA glue.
  2. We stretch the string through it.
  3. Wrap the vase with a rope soaked in glue. Dry for 3-4 hours.
  4. Then we decorate the lower part of the vase with small pebbles. Attach them with glue.
  5. On the main part on the "Moment-Crystal" we glue a leather cord, leaves and more pebbles. Dry for 3-4 hours.

Decor cereals

do-it-yourself vase decor
do-it-yourself vase decor

Another great idea is much easier than it seems at first glance. But let's not get ahead of ourselves! First, consider the necessary materials and tools:

  • PVA glue;
  • gouache or watercolor;
  • 2 small bowls;
  • tassel;
  • semolina.

Description of the DIY vase decoration process from the photo above:

  1. First of all, mix semolina and glue in both bowls. The result should be a curd mass.
  2. We make one a little thinner and add a little paint of any shade. Stir.
  3. Use the mixture for decor - roll up the sausages and attach to the vase, forming a pattern.
  4. Then dry the finishedcraft 10-12 hours. If desired, after it can be coated with a colorless varnish. Although it is permissible to leave it as it is.

Elementary option

simple vase decor
simple vase decor

If you want to make a simple and effective option, you can use the instructions below. It begins with the preparation of tools and materials for creativity:

  • adhesive tape (both paper and plain);
  • scissors;
  • can of acrylic paint.

It is important to note that this idea is suitable for decorating glass vases with your own hands. Because such crafts look much more interesting and more expensive. The principle of operation implies the following actions:

  1. First you need to cut strips of adhesive tape of the desired width.
  2. Then glue onto the vase, creating the desired geometric pattern.
  3. Next, take the paint and spray over the entire surface.
  4. Peel off the tape carefully.
  5. And leave the vase to dry. Approximately 10-12 hours.

Vessel decorated with cloth

decor vase cloth
decor vase cloth

To implement this idea, you do not have to perform super complex manipulations. Or rather, if you do not want to create a spectacular product of an interesting shape, decorated with an abundance of details and other inventions. The easiest option requires preparation:

  • PVA glue;
  • a cut of thin fabric of sufficient size;
  • can of paint in the color you like.

When everything you need is at hand, we start decorating a floor vase or a smaller copysize. The creative process involves the following steps:

  1. Wet the fabric with glue. It is important that the material is well saturated.
  2. Then we wrap the prepared vessel with it. And you need to create a lot of folds. Then the craft will look more interesting.
  3. Do not forget to fold the corners of the fabric inside the vase to get a nice and neat edge.
  4. After leaving the product to dry. Since in this case we impregnated the entire canvas, the drying time is 24 hours.
  5. When the required time has passed, paint the vase with a spray can. If desired, you can add decorative elements to your taste. Although the craft is already quite textured. Can be left as is.
  6. Finally, we just have to wait for the paint to dry completely. Approximately 3-4 hours.

Button decor

decor vase with buttons
decor vase with buttons

The following idea is as easy to execute as it is original and attractive. To implement it, you need to prepare:

  • glue "Moment-Crystal";
  • many different flat buttons;
  • can of your favorite shade of paint.

It is important to consider that decorating a floor vase with your own hands involves preparing a huge number of buttons. Therefore, in the absence of the necessary material, creativity will be very expensive. Perhaps a smaller vessel should be prepared?

Regardless of which vase you decide to decorate, the steps will be as follows:

  1. First thingglue the vessel with buttons. Dry for 3-4 hours.
  2. After we cover the craft with paint.
  3. And again dry for 10-12 hours.

Nature Decor

shell vase decor
shell vase decor

Many people bring a lot of small shells, pebbles, glass from the sea. However, then they do not know where to adapt them. Creative craftswomen offer to arrange a vase with them. For this you need:

  • shells, pebbles, glass;
  • glue "Moment-Crystal";
  • clear varnish - optional.

When everything is ready, let's get to work:

  1. Lubricate every detail with glue and place on a vase. In this case, one object can be placed on top of another. The main thing is to be beautiful.
  2. After finishing the transformation, leave the vase to dry for 4-5 hours.
  3. After (if desired) varnished. Or we don’t touch anything and immediately present it to our friends.

So, in the article we have analyzed the most original and simple ideas. With which even beginner craftswomen will cope. However, it is not necessary to follow them exactly.
