The fisheye camera and its features
The fisheye camera and its features

In order to use all the possibilities of your camera and take amazing pictures, you should think about studying not only the internal capabilities of the device, but also the external ones. In this article we will talk about additional accessories. For example, let's learn how to use a fisheye lens.

First of all, it is worth understanding the very concept of why the lens is called that and what is its main feature and difference from others. Fisheye is a wide angle lens. Its viewing angle is close to 180 degrees. It got its name due to the fact that the principle of its operation is similar to a fish eye.

Fisheye lenses
Fisheye lenses

Different kinds of lens

The first kind is circular. This type of lens is used to take unusual-looking panoramic shots that will look like 360-degrees. This type of lens is good for shooting the sky and nature. The thing is that it does not cover the entire frame, but only the inscribed circle.

The second type is diagonal. It is so named because in this case, the fisheye lens will distribute all 180 degrees of view horizontally across the frame. Thusthe frame fits within the maximum viewing angle.

And the next kind of similar lenses are mechanisms that have a viewing angle greater than 180 degrees. There are very few such accessories, and they are usually used by professional photographers on special occasions. Despite the fact that such lenses are rare, they should not be forgotten either.

Why do you need a lens of this kind?

The fisheye lens for cameras has been used for a long time - approximately since the beginning of the last century. It's just that it's very rarely used. Most often for photographing narrow streets, corridors and small rooms. At the moment, such a lens has become more often used. Where exactly? For example, street athletes for their events.

This type of lens is used because it captures a large area around the athlete, which means that the atmosphere of the event is reflected much stronger and brighter. More attention is paid to the trick performed by the athlete. In addition, the "fisheye" is used to photograph objects that served as a platform for performing tricks, regardless of whether the tricks were performed on any of the vehicles or manually. Video shooting with this kind of device is also relevant today.

In addition, this type of camera is used to shoot architectural objects or to create three-dimensional, so-called 3D panoramas.

Fisheye Lenses
Fisheye Lenses

Chamber structure

Photos taken with this type of lens will have certaindisadvantages, due to the peculiar arrangement of lenses in the mechanism itself, and this was done specifically by manufacturers to create special photographs.

The first flaw is the barrel-shaped deviation from the norm. The pictures look as if the foreground is very much stretched forward, and the background goes very far away. Due to such lenses, straight lines are distorted in the picture. What is in the foreground is much larger and more massive than those in the background. But this is precisely what attracts photographers who dare to purchase such a thing.

The next disadvantage of such accessories is associated with a hood. Due to the small size of the mount, they may not be suitable for most types of cameras, such as Nikon or Canon. Of course, you can use special adapters that increase the size, the only problem is that in this case the hood will become part of the frame being shot, so manufacturers usually install them immediately during production.

This is the reason why it is not possible to attach a variety of light filters to the lens. Yes, and when installing them in front of a convex glass, there will be little sense. For this reason, gelatin filters are usually installed behind the last lens. This leads to the fact that there is no way to quickly replace it. That is why, today, fisheye manufacturers equip the lens with a system in which filters with a standard set of colors are in a state of rotation.

fisheye camera
fisheye camera

How to use the lens

Lens options greata bunch of. One of them is the one that applies to the phone. You can buy them in almost any store specializing in the sale of mobile gadgets. Their price is very low, which makes fisheye lenses on the phone generally available. They can also be purchased on any Chinese site for a penny, even in whole sets.

The best quality and most equipped gadgets usually go for the iPhone. When shooting with them, sometimes there is a doubt that the picture was taken on the phone, as it looks very high quality and professional. They can also be purchased from mobile phone stores or Chinese websites.

But you can make a fisheye on your phone yourself from improvised means. With skillful handling of materials, as well as with "direct hands", the result can be quite surprising, but often such an event is not crowned with success.

camera fisheye shooting
camera fisheye shooting

Similar items are used in security measures, as shown in the picture above. Allowing you to see what is happening not in length, but in general, the camera perfectly captures violations - from lazy workers to thieves.

Also, the fisheye camera can be used at home, for example, to monitor the baby.


I would also like to remind you that you should not neglect cleaning the lenses on the camera. It doesn't matter if it's a telephone or any other. Preventive cleaning should be carried out as often as possible, with a special pencil, which can also be purchased at the store. Cause a smudged lens won't take your picturemore beautiful, and it will be a shame for a frame damaged due to this reason.
