Prince costume made from affordable materials
Prince costume made from affordable materials

Preparing for the New Year, we not only choose gifts for our children, but also prepare an original carnival outfit for them. For those who decide to make their own prince costume, our material.

prince costume
prince costume

Outfit features

This costume will be ideal for performances at matinees. Its advantage is that it is suitable for boys of any age. There may be several variations of it. Since the costume has a lot in common with other outfits, some of its details can be used for other roles.

What will the prince costume for the boy consist of

You should immediately have an image of the future outfit in your head, the details of which will be:

  • short pants;
  • white loose shirt;
  • vest;
  • socks;
  • robe;
  • crown (beret).

As an addition to it, a beautiful sword made by one's own hands will look good. But more on that below.

The fabric must be chosen bright. The best option is velvet or satin. Blue, green or golden material is suitable to makepanties and gown. If you want to purchase red fabric, then it is better to give up this idea. Since this color is more suitable for the face of roy alty.

Getting Started

At this stage, get ready to start sewing shirts, vests and trousers. You should not worry about the lack of a pattern: you can use any children's T-shirt. The main thing is not to make a mistake in the size. After transferring the paper parts to the fabric, cut out (do not forget to leave allowances for the seams). Once you have sewn the vest, you need to work on the bottom, armhole and neck.

In order to simplify and speed up the work of tailoring the little prince's costume, you can use any white shirt. The length of her sleeves does not matter. It is important that it is spacious. White lace is taken to decorate the shirt. It is desirable that it be dense. It is sewn on at the bottom of the sleeves. After the required amount is cut off, it remains to sew on a sewing machine.

Next detail - panties

Again, any convenient thing from the children's wardrobe will come to the rescue. You can use a ready-made pattern taken from the Internet or a magazine, reducing or increasing it to get the right size. When working on a carnival costume for a boy, you need to be more careful and accurate. The top of the finished panties should be tucked in two centimeters and stitched. Do not be lazy and insert an elastic band into them. Then, during the performance, the child will not have to worry that his trousers will fall off him. Lace is well suited to decorate the legs at the bottom. Volumetric and elegantlooks like trousers, on the bottom of which an elastic band is sewn.

carnival costumes for boys
carnival costumes for boys

What is a prince without a robe?

So, the prince's costume will be ready very soon. To give it nobility and romance, it is better to take velvet fabric to match the outfit when sewing a cape. Materials needed: 1x2 meter cloth and sewing tools. The royal sign will become a wonderful decoration of the resulting mantle. If desired, it can be embroidered or sewn ready.

Crown me, crown

Our goal is to make a beautiful prince costume. So, to make a crown, you will need the remnants of lace (remember that it must be dense), jewelry available at home, various beads, acrylic paint (silver or gold). We also stock up on gelatin and hard cardboard.

prince costume for boy
prince costume for boy

We measure the lace of the desired length, cut it off and sew it from the ends. The end result should be a ring. To give the part the necessary rigidity, we use a gelatin solution. It is prepared as follows: 1.5 teaspoons of gelatin are diluted with warm water and left to swell. Time - 40 minutes. Then the crown is placed in the solution for half an hour.

After these manipulations, we take a hard cardboard for making a blank (we will stretch lace on it). After completing these operations, put the lace to dry in the microwave. Estimated time is 30 seconds. From time to time it will have to be immersed in a gelatin solution. Do this until the crown becomes stiff.

Keep inmind that only a completely dried product is removed from the blank. We will only have to decorate it, especially since the paint was prepared by us in advance. To glue small details (beads, rhinestones, jewelry) to the crown, you will need a glue gun.

By the way, if you make a beret as a headdress, it will come in handy for other carnival costumes for boys.

White stockings, shoes and a sword will complement the festive attire. Moreover, the latter is an indispensable attribute of this outfit. For its manufacture, you can use a window glazing bead or a wooden lath. Younger children are better off making a cardboard sword.

new year prince costume
new year prince costume

So, stock up on a wooden lath, plastic cover and paint. The length of the wooden blank for the sword must be at least one meter.

Clean it up better with sandpaper and then paint it. After drying, the sword can be decorated. Make the handle first. To do this, a hole is made in the lid, after which it is put on the sword. Paint and let dry this part. And the last thing: bright rain or tinsel will serve as a good decoration for the sword.

little prince costume
little prince costume

See how, using the available materials at hand and without special knowledge and skills, you can make a New Year's prince costume for a child. If your imagination tells you some more additional details, then the finished outfit will only benefit from this. And let the children's smile become the best gratitude for the appliedeffort.
