How to hem curtains at home
How to hem curtains at home

Often, when buying curtains, the product does not match the size of the window and needs to be hemmed. You can use the services of specialists by giving the curtains to the studio, or you can try to do this simple work yourself.

how to hem curtains
how to hem curtains

Methods of hemming curtains

You can hem the product in several ways:

  • hand stitching with a blind stitch;
  • using a sewing machine;
  • using special adhesive tape.

The choice of the appropriate method depends on the availability of the machine, the ability to use the needle and the density of the material. The first method is unlikely to suit those who do not have a certain skill. Besides, it will take a lot of time. The second option is used much more often, it is enough just to have minimal skills in working on a sewing machine. Ribbon hemming is only allowed if the fabric can be ironed at low temperature.

Side seam processing

First of all, the side cuts should be processed. To hem this part of the curtains, a closed-cut hem seam is used, while its width should not be less than 1.5 cm and more than 2 cm. To know howto hem the curtains on the sides, you need to read the following instructions:

  1. Iron the hem. The process will be easier if you use a template. You can do it yourself. To do this, you need to take cardboard and cut out a rectangle from it with a width equal to the size of the hem and a length equal to the size of the sole of the iron. Next, we put the manufactured pattern on the edge of the product, wrap it and iron it. Then the strip must be moved and in this way iron the rest of the fabric.
  2. The next step is to fold the hem in half and secure with frequent steps with pins.
  3. You can make a corner connection.
  4. Now, using a sewing machine, you need to sew a seam, which should be located at a distance of 2 mm from the edge, no more. When performing work, it is necessary to observe the fabric, it should not move out and deform.
  5. In conclusion, the seam needs to be ironed.

It is important to know that if the curtains have embossed edges, then they do not need to be processed.

Hemming the bottom of the curtains

Let's consider how to properly hem the curtains below. In order to make an even cut, you need to make a guide. Carefully pull the thread, then cut the product along it. After that, the bottom of the curtains is processed in the same way as the sides.

To avoid wrinkles on the fabric, it is recommended to use special textile weights. They can be hung from the edge of the curtains or put inside the hem.

how to hem curtains
how to hem curtains

Corner connection

With the help of the gusset hem, you canensure that there are no thick corners, and also they will not bulge. How to hem curtains in corners:

  1. All hem (side and bottom) iron.
  2. Mark where the hem crosses with a pin.
  3. Following the marked point, bend the hem so that the corner is inside.
  4. Iron the resulting diagonal bevel and secure with pins.
  5. Machine stitches.
  6. Sew up the bevel with blind stitches.
how to sew organza curtains
how to sew organza curtains

How to hem organza curtains

Organza curtains look very attractive and certainly decorate the interior of the room. However, the processing of such a fabric is slightly different from the usual filing. In this case, women are wondering how to hem curtains from this material that is unpleasant for work. You need to know some features.

The cut should first be ground, and then shorten the product to the desired length with scissors or a hot knife. If you choose the first option, then you need to perform edge processing. Using a red-hot knife, the cut is carefully burned with the flame of a candle or match.

After all the edges have been processed, sew the bias trim to the sides. It is important not to forget to attach the weighting agent.

However, when hemming organza curtains, you can use another method: double hem. This requires special care, because the fabric can slip.

How to hem curtains with tape

Hemming curtains with tape -the most popular way. Having decided on the desired length, you need to cut off an extra piece of fabric. To make the edges look neat, it is better to bend them twice. But if the fabric has a lining, then the double hem will look ridiculous. In this case, a single option should be performed. The seam should be ironed. Next, between the layers of the product, you need to put an adhesive tape and glue it using an iron.

hem curtains price
hem curtains price

Cost of hemming curtains

Of course, not everyone knows how to find a common language with a sewing machine, and shortening the fabric with a tape is risky: you can completely ruin the product. In this case, it is better to turn to professionals in their field, who probably know how to hem curtains. The price for 1 meter ranges from 50 to 100 rubles.

If it was decided to cope with this task on your own, then you need to remember that before starting work, the canvas should be allowed to droop. Then you can safely get down to business, following all the above recommendations.
