How to make a DIY choker tattoo
How to make a DIY choker tattoo

The name "choker" is translated from English as "strangler". This immediately focuses on its features. This piece of jewelry should fit snugly around the neck. It is also called the “choker tattoo”, because from afar it looks like an openwork pattern on the neck.

Popular decoration of the 90s

Twenty years ago, the popularity of this simple decoration knew no bounds. In any store you could find sets of a collar, bracelet and ring. Chokers were black, white, iridescent, and sometimes even glowed in the dark. Such a trinket could be won at an amusement park or a beach attraction. Fashionistas wore them regardless of the weather and with any wardrobe. And many even knew how to make a choker tattoo from fishing line on their own. Since the creation of a choker does not take much time and does not require effort, the craftsmen could make a lot of such jewelry in a day, and sometimes even took orders from girlfriends to make this popular jewelry.

how to make a choker tattoo
how to make a choker tattoo

What do you need to make a DIY choker tattoo

This task does not require any special skills and abilities from you. Even those who have never done needlework are guaranteed to get a good result. To make a choker tattoo with your own hands, you do not need special tools or rare materials. All we need is a fishing line of the desired color and thickness and a clerical clothespin in order to clamp it while we work.

If the fishing line is thin, you can weave in two or three threads. This allows you to combine different colors, and the product will turn out to be more openwork. Sometimes other, similar materials are used instead of fishing line: elastic cord, wire from headphones, rubber thread. Variations in the thickness and texture of the warp used allow for a variety of results.

If desired, you can use beads or pendants to decorate our homemade choker.

How to make a choker tattoo yourself

So, you have already prepared everything you need. Now you can start the creative process of creating an original decoration.

  • The first thing to do is measure 2-2.5 meters of fishing line, bend it in half and secure one end with a clerical clothespin. If this thing was not at hand, it's okay. It doesn't matter how you fix the edge, the main thing is that in the end you have a small ring of fishing line clamped.
  • Next, we begin to weave a choker tattoo. The scheme used is very simple. The principle of weaving is shown in the figure.
  • tattoo chokerdo it yourself
    tattoo chokerdo it yourself
  • Make a loop from one end of the fishing line and thread the second end into this loop, then repeat the procedure this time, creating a ring from the second end of the fishing line and passing the first, free edge into it.
  • If the tattoo choker is to be decorated with beads, you need to thread them through the fishing line while creating the loops.
  • The pendant is fixed in the same way. It is necessary to try on the choker very carefully during weaving in order to attach the pendant in the right place, since the finished pendant will not move freely around the decoration.
  • At the end, you need to carefully fix the edges of the fishing line to prevent the blooming of our product. The best way to do this is with special crimp balls, which are sold in a craft store. Such a ball is put on both free ends of the fishing line and flattened. This fixation looks aesthetically pleasing and firmly fixes jewelry from blooming.
  • If it is not possible to purchase crimp balls, you can tightly tie the fishing line or solder it by melting its edges on fire. Such a choker will need to be worn over the head.
  • Many are interested in how to make a choker tattoo with a clasp. It's completely easy. Speci alty stores have a wide range of fasteners that are attached to each edge of the product and then connected together using a hook or carabiner.
  • fishing line choker tattoo
    fishing line choker tattoo

Is it appropriate to wear a choker tattoo in our time

We learned how to make a choker tattoo with your own hands from an ordinary fishing line. It turns out that this is quite easy. But is it worth the timeon such needlework, if the days of popularity of chokers are long gone? Is it appropriate to wear it now?

Of course, those who adhere to the classic style of clothing will not be able to wear such an ornament. It will also be out of place in formal meetings or in a formal work setting. The choker simply looks ugly on the owners of a short, tight neck.

But there are many options when the choker is not just acceptable, but will be a great addition to the image. Admirers of free style and casual style will appreciate such jewelry. Also, this accessory should well appeal to lovers of hand-made. The choker looks perfect on biker girls and representatives of various informal movements.

tattoo choker scheme
tattoo choker scheme

Entertaining needlework for adults and children

Even if you don’t like this jewelry or don’t fit in style, children and teenagers will definitely appreciate homemade jewelry. You can involve a child in the process by showing him how to make a choker tattoo. Curious kids are always interested in creating something with their own hands. The process of weaving will give them real pleasure. And young fashionistas will be happy to wear their own intricate jewelry.
