Crochet animal hat: diagrams, description and interesting models
Crochet animal hat: diagrams, description and interesting models

Today, knitting has become so popular that not only women, but also many men are well versed in handmade products. Depending on their preferences, they order or buy ready-made sweaters, hats, pullovers, scarves and many other things.

crochet pattern
crochet pattern

Eccentric versus classic

Along with classic, simple wardrobe items, craftswomen are increasingly receiving orders for various non-standard products. For example, knitted crowns for babies, mittens in the form of hedgehogs, sweaters with the image of deer, as well as crochet adult and children's animal hats. These accessories feature a stylized head of a real or fictional animal.

Crochet knitted animal hat can be equipped with eyes and spout. Some models provide only an opening instead of a muzzle, thus, a person who puts on a hat is transformed into a selected animal.

As prototypes, craftswomen choose a variety of representatives of the animal world: foxes, wolves, dinosaurs, giraffes, cockerels, raccoons, rams, as well as all kinds of cartoon or fictional monsters. Shown belowsome interesting animal hats and recommendations on how to make them.

Which yarn to choose

To get a strong and warm crochet animal hat, you should choose the right materials. First of all, the yarn should be with a high wool content: at least 50%. Otherwise, the crochet animal hat will be beautiful, but non-functional. Do not use all-acrylic thread, as synthetics can be hot, but will not provide real heat.

materials for knitting animal hats
materials for knitting animal hats

When it comes to knitting for children, here you need to pay close attention not only to the percentage of wool in the yarn, but also to the origin of the raw materials. Sheep wool can be tough and scratchy. Some manufacturers have learned to process the thread very well and achieve that it becomes completely soft. However, this is more the exception than the rule.

If you need a crochet baby animal hat, merino wool is the best choice. This yarn is recognized worldwide as the softest and highest quality.

Easier than ever

The photo below shows a hat that even the greenest beginner can knit.

crochet animal hats description
crochet animal hats description

Actually, this is a crochet animal hat for boys, which is a rectangular fabric sewn in a certain order. It should be noted that such an accessory is quite suitable for a Halloween costume or a New Year's masquerade. In this case, cotton can be used instead of wool.

The rectangle is knitted in anydirection: from bottom to top, from the back of the head to the face, or vice versa. The canvas is sewn as follows: at the back and at the crown (unless there is a fold line there). Like all bonnets, such a fur hat must be sewn from the chin to the bottom edge. This is done to protect the neck from wind and frost.

Home dinosaur decor

Decorating a rectangular animal hat is easy: just knit a few triangles and sew along the seam from the back of the head to the crown. Difficulties may arise with the first element, since the size will have to be selected empirically: knit, try on and bandage. However, all other triangles will already be made according to the developed template.

To tie a triangular fabric, you need to cut one column at the beginning and end of the row in every second row.

Crocheted animal hats look good, the description of which involves the use of materials such as real and artificial leather, suede, thick fabric (jeans, tarpaulin), fur. With suitable patches, a dinosaur crest can be made of leather or suede. The main condition is sufficient rigidity of the material.

Universal animal hat

As a rule, most unique knitted hats are created by talented (and moderately eccentric) designers who are in no hurry to give away patterns for free and make life easier for those who want to duplicate their creation.

You can bring to life the model you like, having basic knitting skills and understanding how classic hats are formed. Next will be considered a crochet animal hat, a diagramwhich is an improved semicircular cap.

crochet animal hats scheme and description
crochet animal hats scheme and description

You can use yarn of any thickness to make it. The diagram shows the calculation for double crochets (CCH). The main principle is that 12 CCHs are knitted in the first row, and in each subsequent one, additions are also made at 12 points.

hat bottom knitting pattern
hat bottom knitting pattern

If the craftswoman wants to get a denser fabric, she should use single crochets (RLS). Here the algorithm of work will be slightly different: the first row is 6 RLS, and the addition of new elements, respectively, at six points.

monkey hat
monkey hat

Features of work

In order for the bottom of the hat to be formed correctly, you must adhere to the above description. Places of adding columns can be marked with plastic markers. When the bottom diameter is 1-2 cm narrower than required, you need to knit one row without additions. In the next row, follow the main instruction (introduce new elements at 6 or 12 points), then repeat the row without additions and the expanding row again. Now you can continue to work without knitting new columns.

The specified sequence (alternating rows) is necessary for the hat to have a smooth outline. Otherwise, if, after intensive expansion, you switch to knitting an even fabric, an ugly sharp transition may form.

If the usual schemes and patterns have already become boring and boring, you can apply the "bushes" pattern. He will give the productslight lace effect.

warp knitting pattern
warp knitting pattern

The part of the hat that will cover the ears can be made tighter by using, for example, single crochets.

Decor options

To make an ordinary hat become an animal muzzle, several tricks are used:

  • At the stage of choosing the material, boucle or just very fluffy yarn of the corresponding color is preferred.
  • Be sure to knit "ears".
  • Make applications in the form of eyes and nose.
  • Supplement the image with characteristic and recognizable features (mustache, horns, teeth).

In this case, the listed elements may have a naturalistic or purely decorative look. The photo below shows an interesting and unusual animal hat in the form of a sheep.

crochet animal hat
crochet animal hat

For its manufacture, such a technique as a “lush column” was used. It is performed in almost the same way as the “bush”, while the columns have not only a common base, but also a top. After each row of lush columns, single crochets are knitted.

After the base of the animal hat (a semicircular hat) is ready, the details are knitted, to which the strings will later be sewn. Then proceed to the manufacture of decor. Here it is quite possible to confine ourselves to sheep ears, but especially diligent craftswomen can add a muzzle.

How to tie ears

Each decorative ear consists of two parts: external and internal. The first one will be slightly larger and should be knitted from the main color yarn. The second, respectively, is smaller for herNeed a contrasting color. Large part manufacturing algorithm:

  • Run a chain of 7 air loops (CH).
  • Knit RLS in each of them.
  • In the 8th loop, work 3 sc.
  • On the reverse side of the chain, also knit 7 sc.
  • At the end of the part, knit 3 sc from one loop of the base.

Further all rows will be circular: at the beginning you should perform an air loop, and at the end - a connecting column.

In each loop of the base, two elements should be knitted: either RLS or CCH. To form a narrow edge, you need to use RLS, and when moving to the manufacture of a wide side, you cannot do without higher SSNs.

knitting ears for a fur hat
knitting ears for a fur hat

The size of the parts is regulated by performing one or another number of rows. For example, a small ear can be knitted from two rows, and a large one from three rows. If three levels of CCH is too much, the last row is performed by RLS. Parts that are knitted with threads of different thicknesses will have different sizes: thin yarn is suitable for making a small ear, and thick yarn for a large one. In this case, the number of rows and loops in the elements will be the same.

The finished ears are combined as shown in the photo and sewn together.

ear details
ear details

Then they are folded, the fold is fixed and sewn to the product.

how to sew ears
how to sew ears

This should be the end result.

crochet knitting patterns
crochet knitting patterns

To make an application in the form of a sheep's muzzle, you will needthick fabric, buttons and threads.

applique for a hat
applique for a hat

Cut-out elements can be sewn onto a hat or glued with a gun.

crochet animal hat for boys
crochet animal hat for boys

At this stage, the knitting of the animal hat is completed. The crochet patterns suggested above can be embodied in all details or used as a basis for knitting experiments.

Monster hats

Many mothers enjoy dressing their children in bright and fantastic hats that look like monster heads.

crochet baby animal hats
crochet baby animal hats

To create such crochet animal hats, diagrams and descriptions are not required. You can attach cut or knitted parts to almost any base. The one-eyed monster is considered the easiest to manufacture. The eye is given either a round or elongated shape and complemented with eyelashes, teeth, horns, arms, a tail and other elements.