Club of intellectual games. Questions "What? Where? When?"
Club of intellectual games. Questions "What? Where? When?"

Questions “What? Where? When? for the first time they began to ask back in 1975, but in fact, few people know or remember that in fact then the game had a different appearance and completely different people played it. That is why it is worth highlighting some of the most interesting facts about this program, as well as talking about which questions are the most interesting among many others.

History and interesting facts

questions what where when
questions what where when

Basically, the questions “What? Where? When?”, Like the show itself, practically do not change throughout the existence of this program, but in fact, in the first release, experts were absent altogether. Ordinary families initially took part in the transmission, and at the same time they answered not in architectural mansions, but in standard apartments owned by themselves. Each family answered 11 questions, after which it was decided to combine both footage in one program. The current format of the show was only followed in 1977, but it remains so to this day.

For a long time, the audience did not know at all about who was presenting this program, as a result of which for several years VladimirVoroshilov was nicknamed "Incognito from Ostankino". Only in 1980 was the identity of the host of the program publicly announced, and this was done by inserting the phrase after the end of the broadcast: “Vladimir Voroshilov was the host.”

Questions “What? Where? When? are given to connoisseurs in the Hunting Lodge, located in the Neskuchny Garden, while it is worth noting that this building is an architectural monument built back in the 18th century. All games of this club have been held here since 1990.

An owl named Fomka was chosen as a symbol, and in 1977 it was shown on one of the broadcasts. The so-called "Crystal Owl" is awarded only after 1984, and in 2002 it was decided to also add a diamond owl to the crystal owl, giving it to the best player based on the results of the past year. The diamond owl is handcrafted from crystal and silver by professional jewelers, and it is worth noting that this prize is adorned with more than 70 rubies. The weight of the owl is over 8 kg.

Among other things, it is worth noting the fact that initially the base of questions “What? Where? When? compiled directly by Vladimir Voroshilov himself, as well as by a team of professional editors. Over time, it was decided that it would be possible to use letters from viewers coming to the editor, because the answers to questions sometimes turned out to be the most unexpected.

Probably every person who at least once watched the questions “What? Where? When?”, knows about what the top is insidespinning circle. This spinning top starts before each round and is a slightly improved children's toy manufactured by the Krasny Proletarian factory in Moscow. Vladimir Voroshilov himself said that one day he was going to buy a gift for a child of three years old at the Toy House and noticed this top. But later he could not resist, so he decided to buy two toys at once, one of which he kept for himself and then played with it for ten days.

Next, we will look at “What? Where? When? questions that are most interesting to solve for most people.

The actions of people

Once a shah in Persia wanted to know what determines a person's behavior and guides his actions in this life. Initially, the Shah's assistants compiled a fairly large volume, but then they were able to cut it down to one page. In the end, they only managed to find one single word.

Accordingly, experts on “What? Where? When? questions were asked about this word. The connoisseurs decided that this was love, but in fact the correct answer was that the actions and behavior of a person are guided by the desire for survival.

Best Sellers Outlook

what where when questions
what where when questions

A group of American sociologists came up with an equation by which they were able to calculate the rate of increase in the number of purchased copies of various bestsellers. In other words, if the number of books purchased during the first week was known, then in this case it will be possible to understand later how many of them,for example, they will buy within a month. However, as it turned out, such an equation has been used for a long time, but in a different sphere of human activity.

Base of questions “What? Where? When? includes this question: what exactly was calculated by exactly the same equation as the distribution of best-selling books?

Experts said that in accordance with this equation, the growth of epidemics is determined, and they did not fail - this is true.


An American newspaper called the Weekly World News conducted a survey in the five largest cities of its country in order to determine who would agree to go to work naked for $1 million. Among the men, 84% of the total number of people surveyed agreed, while among the women surveyed, only 20% agreed, which made them more bashful. It is likely that the explanation is contained in the response from one of the survey participants, who would agree to expose herself if she was warned several weeks in advance.

In “What? Where? When? They decided to send the following question: why did the woman need these few weeks? The answer is quite simple: in order to lose weight.


base of questions what where when
base of questions what where when

Almost all over the world they know what the Mexican resort of Acapulco is. The popularity of this resort is primarily due to the local climate, which is ideal for relaxation. If you can guess what exactly the word "Acapulco" means from the Aztec language, can youname a famous traveler who also visited the city of the same name?

Despite the fact that the questions for the game “What? Where? When? rather tricky ones were sent, experts were able to answer that Dunno was this traveler.

Technical growth

The device appeared in the USA in the 20th century in the 20s, and was first produced by a company that had previously been engaged exclusively in the manufacture of cocktail mixers. This device quickly became widespread among a large number of the population, and already in the 30s and 40s, devices began to become popular, in which there was the possibility of adjusting the speed and degree of heating. Why did the demand for such equipment grow so much in the 1960s?

Very often this question is included in the collections of tasks “What? Where? When? . Questions and answers for students are especially interesting, since such tasks are often found in such games held between institutions. The answer is that in the 60s of the last century, men began to wear long hair, as a result of which hair dryers became quite widespread among them.


what where when send a question
what where when send a question

An English scientist and part-time psychologist named David Lewis said that it is safe only for women, while in men it can cause a source of quite serious illnesses. In the course of the research, it was determined that only a quarter of all women had somefrivolous deviations like an increased heartbeat, while men reacted extremely negatively to this: their pulse increased greatly, arrhythmia appeared, and blood pressure also increased significantly. The answer is an English word that has become common in Russian relatively recently.

Many peep into all sorts of collections of problems “What? Where? When? questions and answers, although in fact the answer is extremely simple - it's shopping.


It's strange enough, but these two have a lot in common. Both have Italian roots, and even their patronymics would be the same if they were at all. At the same time, they developed relations with Russia in different ways, since the first visit to this country suffered a lot of trouble, although at first he conducted his business quite successfully, while the second not only became incredibly popular, but, in principle, it was here that he appeared into the world. Who is this?

Quite often you can find such questions in collections: “What? Where? When? for schoolchildren, since the answer is quite interesting - this is Pinocchio and Napoleon.

Resemblance 2

what where when questions and answers for students
what where when questions and answers for students

Each of them has inhuman abilities, while the first one is quite friendly to everyone around, although one woman was seriously injured by him. At the same time, the second is very unfriendly, but a certain woman ultimately escaped the threat from him, while both made exactly the same promises. Who is this?

Again,a very, very interesting question for the younger generation was given to us by the game “What? Where? When?". Questions and answers of this type require increased attention. The correct answer is "Terminator and Carlson", and they made one promise - to return.

Hazardous substance

This substance is the main component of acid rain. If it is in gaseous form, there is a risk of severe burns to a person, and if this substance enters the stomach, excessive sweating may begin, as well as vomiting if a large dose is taken. If a person accidentally inhales a substance, then in this case there is a risk of death at all. What is this substance?

In “What? Where? When? the question about this substance is one of the most interesting, since this tricky problem has a very entertaining answer - water.


questions for the game what where when
questions for the game what where when

Famous chess player Bobby Fischer said that if these two ever crossed at the same chessboard, then in the end the game would simply end in a draw. Who was he talking about?

Those people who know the biography of Bobby Fischer and roughly understand his behavior are likely to guess this answer, because he was talking about a situation when he bothers to meet God himself at the chessboard. Many look at the answer in the collections of problems “What? Where? When? questions and correct answers.


To date, only 7% of the total number of cars sold in America in 2010are equipped with this device, while the press often says that this is an extremely effective anti-theft protection, which was originally developed for completely different purposes. What it is? Answer: manual transmission.

Strange dog

Once in the practice of the famous English veterinarian Gillian Maxwell, he happened to face such a situation when a Labrador brought to him behaved very depressively and practically lost his appetite. However, after the tests, it was found that the dog is quite he althy, and with each subsequent visit, the tests were getting better and better. After a conversation with the owners, it turned out that at the same time, all family members, shortly before the dog's illness, made a joint decision and adhere to it to this day. What did they decide?

This question can be added to the most relevant questions on “What? Where? When? with answers for students. The answer is quite interesting - all family members decided to quit smoking, as a result of which the dog experienced a withdrawal syndrome.


questions what where when for schoolchildren
questions what where when for schoolchildren

After the capture of a certain embassy in London, after lengthy negotiations, the terrorists decided to release two hostages, while the captives themselves chose who they needed to release. Initially, a pregnant woman was chosen, after which the hostages, who had lived together for several days, decided to release the man as well. Experts needed to determine for what reason this man was released along withher.

The decision is quite interesting and memorable, because they decided to let this man go because he snored too much.


One of the episodes of the animated series The Simpsons shows how Bart, next to Chinese spies, wonders if he could betray his own country, because he daily swore allegiance to the flag of the United States. In response, an objection was received that it was pronounced not to the country, but to the flag, but to the flag … Connoisseurs needed to finish the thought of spies with just three words.

The question, again, is interesting enough for children, but at the same time not so easy for adults. Again, an interesting response was received: the oath is pronounced not to the country, but to the flag, and the flag is made in China.

Peter I

What, according to one joke, did Peter I order to do when he got lost in the swamps with his army? He did not want to pretend that they were lost in such an area, so he gave the order in order to be able to hide such a shameful fact.

Finally, a rather simple and interesting question, the answer to which is the founding of St. Petersburg. Most likely, a fairly simple task for people living in this city or who know the history of their country well.
